What are the symptoms of MVD?
Double jeopardy
Fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, rash with both flat and raised bumps, especially on the torso, chest pain, sore throat, NVD, hemorrhaging
Who is the State Health Commissioner?
Karen Shelton
We used this system to put contact tracing information in to monitor contacts (not VEDSS).
Sara Alert
What was the main variant before Omicron?
Oh, I just can't wait, to be king!
The Lion King
What is the incubation period for MVD?
2-21 days
Who is the Chief Operating Officer?
Christopher Lindsay
What does SARS-CoV-2 stand for?
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
What was the system designed to help/supplement VEDSS but only lasted about 1 year?
Let it gooooooo!
How is MVD spread?
Contact with infected Egyptian rousette bats or person to person through direct contact of blood or body fluids.
Who is the State Epidemiologist?
Laurie Forlano
How long was the initial isolation period?
10 days
On Jan 20, 2020, which state reported the first COVID case in the US?
You've never had a friend like me.
Double jeopardy.
What is the treatment for MVD?
No vaccines, just supportive/palliative care.
Who is the Chief Information Officer?
Suresh Soundararajan
When was the (US) Public Health Emergency declared over?
May 11, 2023
Where was the first Omicron OB recorded?
Double jeopardy.
South Africa
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are.
If 12/1/24 was the last day on which a new case was diagnosed, when is the earliest that the outbreak could be declared over?
42 days from 12/1 (2 incubation periods); 1/6/24
Who is the Chief of Staff?
Jeff Stover
What classified as a vaccine break through?
Was fully vaccinated, ACIP approved, and the SCD or illness onset date was at least 2 weeks after being fully vaccinated.
When did the WHO declare COVID-19 a global pandemic?
March 11,2020
Who is that girl I see, staring straight, back at me?