When completing a go around the board in Monopoly, players are instructed to collect this sum of money
what is 200 dollars?
This geometrically designed cephalopod is dangerous to the touch
What is a blue-ringed octopus?
Due to a mishap in the 2016 oscars, this loss was even more devastating than usual for this film
What is la la Land?
This African leader claimed he was both king of scotland and heavyweight champion of the world
Being a stable ideological figurehead of the Bolshevik party, this man played a key role in the revoloution
Who is Leon Trotsky?
The original of this game featured spaces for suicide, disgrace, poverty, and prison. which have now been altered to family life, college and retirement
What is the Game of Life?
this fish produces up to 85% of the sand that builds up reef islands like in the Maledives.
what is a parrot fish?
This iconic filmaker was snubbed for best director each of the 5 times he was nominated, for films such as "Vertigo"
Who is Alfred Hitchcock?
After this dictators death, him and his wives bodies were strung in a public square and publically shamed
Who is Bennito Mussolini?
Known as the inspiration for Dracula, this real life Romanian leader shared similar blood drinking habbits
Who is Vlad the Impaler?
The Royal Game of Ur is the oldest playable boardgame in the world, originating around 4,600 years ago in this ancient civilisation
What is ancient Mesopotamia?
This group of large sea animals shares its name with a mythical singing creature
What are sirenians?
This Stanley Kubrick film which is widely regarded as one of the best of all time was ignored by the academy in place of Oliver!
What is 2001, A space odyssey?
Leader Fidel Castro was considered by his people to be a prodigy in this sport
What is Baseball?
This famous British Author created characters such as Fezziwig, Uriah Heep and Samuel Pickwick
Who is Charles Dickens?
This classic kids game involving reptiles inspired the phrase "Back to square one"
What is Snakes and ladders?
this pink porpoise-like animal is regarded for its intelligence, having 40% more brain capacity than humans?
What are Amazon River Dolphins?
This spike lee-directed film missed out on best picture to driving Miss Daisy in 1990
What is Do the right thing?
Over 4 dictators have fronted this western magazine as person of the year
What is time magazine?
Lesser known compared to his Hindu opposition (Gandhi), this Muslim leader is credited largely with the creation of Pakistan
Who is Muhammad Ali Jinnahz?
A convicted murderer was once awarded a retrial because four of the jurors used this game to determine his guilt.
What is an Ouiji board?
These strong crustaceans are blamed for the consumption of Amelia Earhart's body
What are coconut crabs?
Jim Carey was considered for a best actor oscar for this role, but ultimately fell short of winning
Under the pen name “He Who Wrote the Truth,” this dictator wrote romantic fiction often featuring strong female protagonists.
Who is Saddam Hussein?
Modern scholars have often diagnosed this French warrior with conditions such as epilepsy and schizophrenia
Who is Joan of Arc?