the was the name of the artist evan called jelly cube
what is juice wrld
this video game distribution company is the biggest one in the wolrd
what is steam
these two companys have a duopoloy over the soft drink indusrty (half points will be given for 1 correct anwser)
what are pepsico and cocacola
this new fps game has relased with glowing success and has recently enterd its 1st season with 4 FANTASTIC new characters
what is marvel rivals
this animal is offten domesticated and kept as a household pet
what is a dog
james's middle name
what is roman
what is the steam ddeck
this president was responsible for the slogan "drill baby drill"
who is Donald J Trump
this musical artist has released many criticaly acliaimed albums and won the award for song of the summer this year
who is k-dot/kendrick lamar
this amphibious creature is both aquatic and land dwelling
this basketball player which james has shouted on multiple occasions
what is lebron james
this character is a combat class along with the scout and pyro in valves hit 2007 game team fortess 2
who is the soldier
this statistic has increased a lot affter the regean presidency and the reverseing of the gold reserve. it is also present in coutries such as zimbabwe
what is inflation
this popullar meme which has started to fade is trying to make a comeback.
what is the low taper fade meme
this presontaion company has talks hosted by experters in their field
what is TED
chris is still unable to do this exersize
what is a pull up
who is gabe newll
donald trump rececntly anonced new federal savings in this kind of curency
what is cyrptocurrency
this person was the winner of the actor of the year award from the oscars.
who is Timothée Chalamet
the prefix ussaly refers to rock or mineral like material
what is geo
evan dislikes this version of his favorite condiment(evan can't anwser)
what is honey mustard
this is the main villan of half life 2 and the center of many conspiracy theroys suronding the game
who is G-man
this congress woman has been refered to as the goat of insider infromation.
who is nancy pelosi
finish the lyric: im running all over the place blue in the face looking like sonic. got on stage around 9 next day they called it iconic was off of some _____
gin and tonic
this game catagorie is ussaly filled with top down persectives and has 3 lanes
what is a DOTA