I'm cuckoo for ____
What is cocoa puffs
I'm loving it
What is McDonald's
Just do it
What is Nike
Taste the rainbow
What is skittles
Every kiss begins with Kay ____
What is Kay Jeweler's
There magically delicious
What is lucky charms
Eat fresh
What is subway
The happiest place on earth
What is Disneyland
Melts in your mouth not your hand
What is M&M's
Can you hear me now
What is Version
Tast what you can see
What is toasted crunch
Think outside the bun
What is taco bell
Fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance
What is gieco
Your not you when your hungry
What is snickers
America runs on ____
What is dunken donuts
Snap, crackle, pop
What is rice crispy treats
Have it your way
What is burger King
What's in your wallet
What is credit one
Gimme a break
What is kit-kat
Tastes so good, cats ask for it by name
What is meow mix
The breakfast of champions
What is wheaties
Better ingredients, better pizza
Papa John's
Maybe she's born with it, Maybe it's ____
What is Maybelline
Try them both pick your side
What is Twix
The quicker picker upper
What is bounty paper towels