This was Jesus' first miracle.
What is turning water into wine?
This school's mascot is a Ram.
What is Trotwood?
Teen Talk starts at this time
What is 9am?
What is the pastor?
This was the only day you knew you could watch cartoons on tv
What is Saturday?
This was Jesus' mother.
Who is Mary?
This is Dayton's performing art's school
What is Stivers?
The reason we only served fruits and veggies for 3 Sundays in January
What is the church was on a fast?
This is the title of the person who picks the songs and is in charge of the choirs.
What is the minister of music?
This device made a noise letting you know to go call someone from a land line phone
What is a pager/beeper?
This is the day we celebrate Jesus's birthday.
What is December 25th?
What is Dunbar?
We have used this activity to introduce the scripture
What is telephone?
The cracker represents the body of Jesus and the juice represents the blood during this ceremony
What is communion?
Where past generations looked to find out if school was canceled (be specific)
What is the bottom of the tv screen?
what is 33?
This charter school has a partnership with U.D
What is DECA?
When the Holy Spirit is telling you something/gut feeling.
What is discernment?
What is the benediction?
Women and girls always wore these to church back in the day
What are dresses/skirts?
This disciple walked on water with Jeus
Who was Peter?
This school is named after the 1st Black Supreme Court Justice.
This college's basketball coach taught Week 2 on mental health
What is University of Dayton?
We do this in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
What is baptism?
This hairstyle required activator
What is a jheri curl?