Who was the president during the Civil war
Abraham Lincoln
What does lol mean
Laughing out loud
What year did "issues" release
What color is an apple
Where was cricket deounded
The United kingdom
Who was the 4th president
James monroe
What does AFK mean
Away from keyboard
What year did "lost and found" release
This is the predominant female fruit in annoying orange
Passion fruit
What country has the most olympic medals in wrestling
The soviet union
Richard _____
What does AOE mean
Area of effect
What year did limp bizkit form
Name a tropical fruit
Peach, mango, durian, kumquat, jackfruit, starfruit, etc
How do you hit a triple in baseball
Hit the wall and have the outfielders take long to get it
Which president was a veteran of the revolution and the war of 1812
Andrew Jackson
What does lmao mean
Laughing my a** off
Who made "introduction to mayhem"
Primer 55
Transportation of this fruit has been considered a terrorist attack
What sport is most similar to handball
Chester A ______
What does DOT mean
Detonate on touch
Who made "an education in rebellion"
The union underground
What color is an orange
Where is korfball played primarily (name one)
Belgium, Netherlands, luxembourg