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Just the Facts

One of the most quoted scriptures in Jeremiah (1:5), this phrase speaks to God's knowledge of you prior to your arrival, 

"Before I formed you in the womb,


Jeremiah was told to do this in Jeremiah 32 as a sign of hope during the siege of Jerusalem?

God told Jeremiah to buy a field from his cousin, signifying that houses, fields, and vineyards would be bought again in the land of Judah, indicating a return from exile.


This prophet is traditionally believed to have authored the Book of Jeremiah

Who is Jeremiah?


 In Jeremiah 25, God prophesied that the people of Judah would serve the king of Babylon this many years?

What is seventy years.


How many years was Jehoiahchin king of Judah in exile?

37 years (Jeremiah 52:31)


In Jeremiah 29:11, this is God's promise for His people, you can plan on it

 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


God instructed Jeremiah to do this strange act in Jeremiah 13 to convey a message to Israel, no suspenders needed

God asked Jeremiah to buy a linen belt, wear it without washing, and then hide it in a crevice of a rock. Later, it was found ruined, representing how God would ruin the pride of Judah and Jerusalem.


When King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon besieged Jerusalem, Jeremiah was imprisoned by which king of Judah?

King Zedekiah


The book of Jeremiah is primarily set in this ancient city.

What is Jerusalem?


Jeremiah's message of judgment was met with fierce opposition from this group of religious leaders.

Who are the false prophets?


In Jeremiah 17:9, Jeremiah declares this about the human heart

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"


Jeremiah wore a yoke around his neck as a symbolic representation of the yoke of servitude that the nations should put on which king?

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon


In Jeremiah 36, this king burned the scroll containing Jeremiah's prophecies

Jehoiakim, the king of Judah,


Jeremiah's ministry spanned over this many years.

What is 40 years?


Jeremiah was eventually taken to this country against his will after the assassination of Gedaliah.

What is Egypt?


According to Jeremiah 33:3, God's invitation to His people, can you hear me now Google?

"Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."



Jeremiah was thrown into this as punishment for his prophecies. Joseph can relate. Name this and his rescuer.

What is a cistern or a well?

Ebed-melech the Ethiopian (Jeremiah 38:12-13)


Jeremiah's scribe, who wrote down his prophecies, was named this.

Who is Baruch, the son of Neriah? (Jeremiah 45:1 and other verses)


Jeremiah is known as the "Weeping Prophet" due to his profound sadness for this reason.

What is the impending destruction and exile of Judah?


Jesus quoted this Jeremiah verse in Mark 11:17 when He said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’ "

What is Jerimiah 7:11? 

"Has this house, which bears my Name, become a den of robbers to you? But I have been watching! declares the Lord."


The analogy God uses to illustrate His relationship with His people in Jeremiah 18, Job is familiar with the concept

He compares Himself to a potter and His people to clay in His hands, symbolizing His sovereignty over their destinies.


Jeremiah purchased a field in Anathoth during the time when Jerusalem was under siege. To ensure its preservation, where did he place the deeds of the property?

In an earthenware vessel


After the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem, Jeremiah was allowed to remain in the land under the governorship of this individual.

Who is Gedaliah?


Jeremiah's prophecies included the promise of a new covenant that God would make with his people, writing His laws on their hearts. This is known as the "New Covenant" or "Covenant of this."

What is the Covenant of Grace?  or Love Covenant



This 70s rock group thought Jeremiah was an amphibian. Name the group and song title.

Three Dog Night

"Joy to the World"