What are the components of the Super GP model? Why is it important to have a super GP practice?
Crowns 33mo, Invisalign 1mo, Endo3mo, Extractions 13mo, Production $80k. There are many reasons it is important, the main one is because it is well-rounded dental care for your patients under one roof.
What is a resource PMO's should use to coach on collections?
Accounts Receivables: PMO Expectations
What does LCQAC stand for and what is it?
Objection Formula: Listen, Cushion, Question, Answer, Confirm
What 3 components make up the thrive process?
Thrive meeting, Business call 1 & 2
What is PSLM?
People. Supplies. Labs. Marketing.
What are the pillars of success of the super GP model? What PREVENTS our doctors from reaching this?
Skill Development, Case Acceptance, Schedule Efficiency. Fear is the main driver of what prevents our doctors from achieving this.
What's a tool your BAs can utilize daily to work INS Aging?
Heartbeat engage
What are the law of 3 voices and their percentages?
Words: 10%
Tone: 35%
Body Language: 55%
What system does the thrive process follow?
Task A
What is the breakdown of salaries % for HYG, DA and BA?
Hyg - 9%
DA - 6%
BA - 7.5%
What are the components of the Super HP Model?
Gross production > $18k
30% Perio over the age of 30
80% Fl2 of Prophy @ maint. visits
Avg 7 patients seen per day per hygienist
Arestin >3 per quad
Based on a 3mo average
If Insurance Adjustments are high for your practice, where do you need to coach?
VOI Simplify
Insurance entered properly
Fee Schedule Accurate
Procedures walked out properly
OHIO when posting checks
What are the top 6 tabs in Heartbeat Engage?
Homepage, Schedule, Produce, Collect, Applications, Communications
Action plans should drive ____ and action items drive ____.
What should hygiene be producing monthly at the minimum as it relates to salaries?
Hygiene should be producing 3-5 times their salary per month.
When do you review the HP and GP model with your providers?
During monthly hyg/dr synergy meetings
Business meetings
Where can you access your doctors MTD/YTD Collections and their outstanding AR?
Provider AR Totals
How many doctor closes are there and what are they?
Trial Close
Question Close
Statement Close
The Thrive Process is the ______ of HD Systems
What is one resource available to you to review supplies spend?
SAP, Dentira, Henry Shein Reps, Budget sheets/collections
Where do you locate tracking for the super GP model?
RDMO dashboard on SAP
If your doctors financial goal is $300k this year, how much do they need to collect in a 2x period month?
2x - $92,307.69
3x - $138,461.3
List all 13 Dots in order
Service SWOT, DISC, Pt Transfer, Smile SWOT, DBM/ET, Pt Transfer, Dr Present Tx, Dr Close, Pt Transfer, Pt Transfer, 10 Step Financials, Firm Financials, Deliver Tx
Region 4 (TASK A) is Operations: where the systems lie....what system is used to organize how we care for patients in the clinical operations portion of the practice?
Pyramid of Dental Success
How does your office fall into the rolling average and what is the length of time measured?
When you are under the profitability threshold of 16% for twelve trailing months