Who is the owner of JES?
What colors are the Japanese flag?
Red and White
What is the capital of the United States?
Washington, D.C.
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
26 letters
What do you say in Japanese after you finish a meal?
What year did JES open?
What are the 2 main religions of Japan?
Shinto and Buddhism
Who is the current president of the U.S.?
Joe Biden
What part of speech is the word: very ?
What do you say to your coworkers to thank them for their hard work?
Name all the classes offered at JES.
A, B, C, D, Int., Adv.
(Bonus: Grammar class, Kids class)
How many prefectures are there in Japan?
47 prefectures
Canada and Mexico
Name 3 English curse words.
What do these acronyms stand for?
1. OL
2. TKG
3. JK
4. KY
5. GKB
1. Office Lady
2. Tamago-Kake-Gohan
3. Joushi Kousei
4. Kuuki Yomenai
5. GoKiBuri
What was JES called before "Joshua English School"?
What is Japan`s national animal?
Japanese macaque / snow monkeys
What are the top 2 languages spoken in America?
1. English (254 million native speakers)
2. Spanish (43.2 million native speakers)
3. Chinese (2.9 million)
Introduce yourself in English for 30 sec.
Why you`re learning English / Why you moved to Japan
Good job :-)
Beginner: Make conversation with a native Jp speaker for 1 min
Native: Tell a Japanese joke.
Name all the main teachers working at JES right now.
Ellen, Miho, Andrea, Alex, Michelle, Josh
(Bonus Points for Laura, Isa, Haruna)
What is year is 1992 in Japanese eras? (Showa, Heisei, Reiwa)
Heisei 2
Which state in America has the highest population?
1. California (39 million)
2. Texas (29 million)
3. Florida (21 million)
4. New York (19 million)
Whoever can say this first will get the point:
Irish Wristwatch
Irish Wristwatch
Whoever can say this first will get the point:
この竹垣に 竹立て掛けたのは 竹立て掛けたかったから、竹立て掛けた.
“Kono takegaki ni take tatekaketa no wa take tatekaketakattakara , take tatekaketa
この竹垣に 竹立て掛けたのは 竹立て掛けたかったから、竹立て掛けた.
“Kono takegaki ni take tatekaketa no wa take tatekaketakattakara , take tatekaketa