What does Jesse dream career?
Ar designer
What is Jesse favorite game
Call of duty black ops 2
What type of anime is Jesse favorite
What animal scares Jesse the most
Spider or brown recluse
What is jesses favorite hair style
Twin tails
what is Jesses what type of dog does Jesse want?
Golden husky
What games do Jesse not play
Sport games
What is jesses favorite wifu
Noel(absolute duo)
What animal has hurt Jesse the worst
how old is too old/ how young is too young
4 over or under
what makes Jesse worry about the future?
not knowing the future
What is Jesse favorite type of game
Puzzle games
What two anime’s made Jesse cry
Clannad and your name
What aquatic anime does Jesse never want to catch
sting ray
who would Jesse have as his best man
Mike teddy or anthony
Where does Jesse want to live in the future
Where my faMiley or work is
What is jesses least favoirte anime
One piece
what is jesses main fear
Never having a family
what is jesse know for being
Dad or dictator
what is Jesse only certainty he want for the future
A family/kids
Who does jesse think would lose a friend over games
What is Jesse favorite anime
World end
What is Jesse worst nightmare
Pulled under the couch
What is jesses favorite thing for a girl to do
Sit on the lap and cuddle