Jess Through The Years
Adam Says...
Life With Adam
It's A Mystery
Jess brought this animal corpse to school in Grade 3
What is a Garter Snake
This is the place "Adam Says" you had your first kiss
What is...."Clints truck when we were hammered...sorry Jess"
Where and when did Adam propose to Jess?
What is their first night in their new house in their bedroom
Rapala fish hooks were created in this country
What is Finnland
This Bridesmaid graduated university in 2005, and her name rhymes with brista
Who is Krista
Jess once got extremely sick into a cooking pot after drinking this beverage
What is HOT 100
This is what "Adam says" is your best physical feature
What is...."her hind quarters"
This is Jess and Adam's favorite restaurant
What is Red Lobster
This song will bring you back to the days of camping in the field near Kek's house. It goes a little something like this: "It's party time and not a minute we can lose... be my baby" and has to do with a day of the week.
What is "Saturday Night"
This bridesmaid drank pear coolers with Jess on a bunk bed in a hostel in Canmore.
Who is Kek
This product was introduced in 1949 by General Foods, who merged with Kraft in 1990. It is quick mealtime solution that Jess loved to eat during her University years.
What is Minute Rice
This is what "Adam says" are Jess's most annoying habits
What is...."there are 2 that are equally annoying... first the slurping of soup or hot drinks of any kind....second when she swallows anything down with water the massive gulping sound. Almost like she is swallowing a tennis ball!!"
This is the name of Jess and Adam's newest furry family member
Who is Diesel
East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania made up what from 1945 to 1991
What is The Iron Curtain
This Bridesmaid and Jess used to ride on a laundry basket pulled behind a Trike
Who is Susie
Brown Sugar was the name of Jess's
What is Jess's Car
This is what "Adam says" is Jessica's favorite food
What is "snow crab or white minute rice with China Lilly Soya Sauce with a side of roast beef"
This game is "super" fun and very addicting. Also collecting stars coins can be very challenging.
What is Super Mario Bros
Back in the USSR is the first song on what Beatles album
What is The White Album
This is how many countries Janna and Marina visited when they were in Europe
I'm not sure, ask Janna lol
This was a regular past time of Jess' while riding the bus to school and sometimes at school too
What is Throwing up
This is the animal that "Adam says" he would compare Jess to
What is "a rabbit...cuz she's so cute ;).....but other people would probabbly think a zebra...cuz she has zebra EVERYTHING!"
This sport is thought to have been invented in late medieval Scotland. It was also known as the "roaring game" due to the sound the stones make as they slide.
What is curling
This historic figure is noted for his six wives, two of whom were beheaded. This has made him a cultural icon, with many books, films, plays, and television series based around him and his wives.
Who is Henry VIII
One time a supper consisted of Vodka and sidekicks with this bridesmaid
Who is Cassie