José y María
Pastores y Reyes Magos
Historia del Nacimiento

¿Quién le dijo a María y a José que se fueran a Belén?

Augusto Cesar.

Y aconteció en aquellos días que salió edicto de parte de Augusto César, que toda la tierra fuese empadronada. Lucas 2:1

E iban todos para ser empadronados, cada uno á su ciudad. Lucas 2:3

Who told Joseph the baby's name was to be Jesus
What is An Angel Matthew 1:21
When the Shepherds went looking for Jesus, what was the sign they were looking for?
What is a baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger

Which emperor ordered all the young children to be killed?

What is Herod


Cierto o Falso: Maria & Jose fueron a Belen para que naciera Jesus guiados por una estrella?


Mateo 2:9

 Y ellos (magos), habiendo oído al rey, se fueron: y he aquí la estrella que habían visto en el oriente, iba delante de ellos, hasta que llegando, se puso sobre donde estaba el niño.

What are the meanings of the names Jesus and Emmanuel
What is Jesus means Savior Emmanuel means God with us
What did the angels sing to the shepherds?
What is "Glory to God in the highest Heaven, and on earth peace, good will toward men" Luke 2:12
What animals does the Bible say were presented at the birth of Jesus
What is There was no mention of any animals. But Isaiah 1:3 could be the talking about at least a donkey seeing the crib of his master (God)

¿Qué medio de transporte usaron María y a José para llegar a Belén?

La Biblia no especifica. Se cree que viajaron en algún animal, pero la Biblia no da más detalles. 

Which Old Testament prophet had the most to say about the birth of Christ?
What is The book of Isaiah
What are the three gifts which are mentioned being given by the wise men?
What is Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
What is the name of the unkind innkeeper who would not allow the pregnant Mary to lodge in his inn?
What is The bible does not say. It's only says there wasn't a room.
In the accounts announcing the birth of Christ (Matthew 1 and Luke 1 & 2) how many times did an angel or angels appear?
What is 3 angelic annoucements
The shepherds and wise men went to see Jesus. Which group followed a start and which group went to find the baby because an angel told them where to look?
What is The shepherds followed the angel the wise men followed the star
What is the name of the priest who was told he would not die until he saw the Savior?
What is Simeon. Luke 2:25,26
Can you list 5 names of Jesus found in the Bible. Some are from the Old Testament prophecies.
What is Jesus, Emmanuel, the Christ, Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Matthew 2:8 says the Herod asked the wise men to inform him where the baby Jesus was. Why does the verse say he wanted to know?
What is So that he could worship the could. But we know his intentions were far from worship.
Two of the four Gospels do not mention the birth of Christ. Which two?
What is Neither Mark or John tell the story of the birth of Christ