What trait did Jesus learn from his father?
Joseph teaches Jesus to be a carpenter
How old was Jesus when He got baptized?
He was 30 years old
Who said they wouldn’t stumble but then lied about knowing Jesus?
The apostle Peter
After the last supper in the upper room Jesus heads out to pray and leaves 3 apostles to do what?
Matthew 26:38 “keep on the watch with me” but they fall asleep instead
What toy did Caleb have to throw away? And what was the name of the toy?
A wizard toy called Sparlock
In What season was Jesus most likely born?
So Christ, having died at the age of thirty-three and a half, would have been thirty-four years old six months later, or about October 1. So Jesus was born, not December 25, but about October 1, 2 B.C.
After Jesus gets baptized, how many days & nights does He spend in the wilderness?
40 days and 40 nights
How does Judas die and what happened to the 30 pieces of silver?
Judas tried to give the money back and throws it into the temple and he goes to hang himself but the branch breaks so his body drops to the rocks below and it burst apart. They use the money to buy a plott of field where they bury strangers
When Jesus is captured where do they take him?
Former high priest Annas
Sophias friend Zoe has a favorite stuff animal…what is it?
Zebra w blue hoofs
At how many Days old does Jesus get circumcised?
At 8 Days
What was Jesus third temptation from Satan coming out of the wilderness?
Satan offered Him all the Kingdoms if He rendered an act of worship to him
Name all 12 disciples
Peter/andrew/james/simon/ Judas/ Judas iscariot (traitor)/ john/ Philip/ bartholomew/ Matthew/thomas/simon
While Jesus is on the torture steak, what does Jehovah cause to happen?
Darkness falls over all the land ..noon on the 6th hour-9th hour
Where does Sophia hide when she is being bullied?
Janitors closet
Where do they flee when the angel tells Joseph about Herods plan?
To Egypt
For Jesus first miracle, how many jars of water does He turn into wine?
6 stone jars that hold more than 10 gallons of water
Who are his 2 first cousins? They are sons of Mary’s sister
James and John
When Jesus died what happens?
A violent earthquake that split rocks
What celebration where they having at the kids school that Sophia was being made fun of when she was trying to teach Zoe?
How old was Jesus when he stayed behind at the temple “Lost”?
He was 12 years old
How many people did Jesus resurrect?
the daughter of Jairus, the son of the widow of Nain, and Lazarus
Who are the 4 fishermen that abandon their fishing business and follow Jesus?
Peter/ Andrew/ James and John
Who asked for Jesus body and wraps the corpse in linen?
Joseph and rich man who is good and righteous and follower of Jesus
Who tells Zoe to turn around so she can see her grandmother resurrected?