About John
About John and Simon Peter
Simon Peter
Simon Peter plus
Food for thought

Who wrote the Gospel of John?                               (1) John the Baptist (2) Jonah (3) John the disciple (4) John the father of Simon Peter

(3) John the disciple


What was John a fisherman or a tax collector?

John was a fisherman


When Jesus met Simon Peter, his original name was Simon, son of Jonas. Jesus told him he will be called Cephas which means "Peter" or a _________. (1)  pebble (2) rock (3) mountain (4) valley

(2) rock


Verses 16-17, Jesus tells Simon Peter to feed His Sheep. What group of people does the sheep represent?

Sheep are adult lambs. Therefore "sheep" refer to the mature believers. 


Verses 15-17, why is Jesus telling Simon, son of Jonas, to Feed His lambs and sheep?

Jesus was reminding him of his calling (See John 1:40-42, Mark 1:16-20). After Jesus' death, Simon returned to his old lifestyle of fishing, to the lifestyle he knew. a self-serving lifestyle.  However, Jesus called him to be a "fisher of men" (Matthew 4:18-20) and to leave his lifestyle of being a fisherman.  Simon was called to teach and preach the Word of God. 


The Gospel of John is the __________ gospel found in the Bible.  (1) first (2) second (3) third (4) fourth

(4) Fourth


John and his brother were given the nickname "Sons of Thunder" by Jesus. Who was John's brother? (1) Matthew (2) James (3) Luke (4) Andrew

(2) James


How many times did Jesus ask Simon, son of Jonas, if he loved him?

Three times


Verses 15-17, Jesus tells Simon, son of Jonas to feed His lambs and His sheep. What does Jesus want Simon to feed them with? (1) the fruits of the spirit (2) The Word of God (3) the truth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God (4) the Bread of Life (5) Spiritual food

All of the above


Choose the correct response - Mark 1:16-20, Jesus called Simon to follow Him (this is Jesus's first call) The end of John21:19, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Follow Me." (Second call) Why? (1) Jesus was reinstating and confirming Simon (2) Jesus was restoring him (3) Giving back his previous position (4) establishing him again and making it official

1-4 are correct. Simon had denied knowing Jesus three times as Jesus said. Peter was afraid, knowing that execution was the probable outcome. Peter was all about the flesh. 

After Jesus resurrection - John 21 is Jesus restoring Peter - giving him a fresh start. Since then, Peter's faith never failed after this.


How many Gospels are in the Bible?

There are 4 Gospels in the Bible


(Fill in the blank) Peter and Andrew were both ___________?  (1) brothers (2) fishermen (3) Jewish (4) original disciples of Jesus

1-4 are all correct


Why do you think Jesus asked Simon Peter three times if he loved Him?  (1) To remind Simon Peter that he had denied knowing Christ 3 times (2) Because Christ rose three days from the dead (3) To make sure Simon Peter understood the importance of his question 

Your thoughts. No wrong answers

I think it's (1) and (3)


Verses 18 and 19 speaks of Simon Peter _______________. (1) glorifying God in his death (2) life past and future (3) Living for Christ, he will not be the master of his life (4) his death on the cross

All of the above


Verse 20, "Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following:" Which disciple is this? (1) Luke (2) Paul (3) John (4) Judas Iscariot

(3) John. 

John is called the "beloved disciple" (John 13:23, John 19:26)

Luke and Paul were not one of Jesus original disciples. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver


What are the names of the Gospels in the Bible?

(1) Matthew (2) Mark (3) Luke (4) John


Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, play a crucial role in Simon Peter's journey as a disciple of Jesus.  What was that role?  

Andrew who was a former disciple of John the Baptist, introduced Simon Peter to Jesus


John 21:15 Jesus asked Simon Peter to Feed His lambs. What are lambs?

Lambs are baby sheep less than one year old. 


Verse 15, Jesus saith to Simon, son of Jonas, "lovest thou me more than these?"   What/Who are "these" that Jesus was referring to? (1) the 153 fishes that Simon caught (read John 21:4-6,11) (2) his fellow disciples (3) the food they were eating (4) all of the above

The bible does not give an answer. However, I believe the answer to be (1) the fishes

After Simon rejected Jesus three times he returned to his life of a fisherman.  However, Jesus called him to be a fisher of men and not a fisherman. 


Explain Verses 20-21. What was Simon doing?

(1) He is asking Jesus what will John do (2) He took his eyes away from Jesus and put it on others (3) He was again doing what he did when he was walking on water with Jesus and began to sink (4) all of the above

(4) All of the above


Was John one of the original twelve disciples of Jesus Christ?



What was Simon Peter's original name? (1) Simon Peter (2) Simon son of Jonas (3) Simon son of John the Baptist

(2) Simon son of Jonah

Simon's father was also a fisherman


Who are lambs in the God's Kingdom?

(1) new believers (2) teenagers (3) the elderly (4) matured believers 

(1) New Believers


Verse 24, Says "This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things:" Who is this disciple?   (1) John (2) Simon Peter (4) Matthew

(1) John


What is Jesus really saying to Simon in John 21:22?

(1) Do not be concerned with others (2) Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on others (3) Simon does not need to be know what John will do or what will happen to John (4) Simon only needs to do what Jesus asked him to do, which is to follow Jesus.

1-4 are correct. Whatever John will do does not change Jesus's calling on Simon Peter. It does not change his need to obey Christ in faith. 

We should care about other but whatever happens to them should not change our obligation to focus on Jesus and our obedience to Him. 

When Simon walked on water with Jesus, what happened when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on other things? He began to sink because he took his focus off of Jesus.