What job did Peter do before he became a disciple?
A) Peter was a fisherman.
B) Carpender
C) Priest
What was Peter's reaction when he realized he had denied Jesus?
A) He was ashamed
B) He cried
C) He laughed nervously
What was Matthew's occupation before he followed Jesus?
A) Fisherman
B) Tax collector
C) Doctor
Who did Matthew write his Gospel for?
A) Jews
B) Romans
C) Greeks
What was Peter’s original name?
A) Luke
B) James
C) Simon
On the Day of Pentecost, what did Peter do?
A) He preached to the crowds
B) He went to the last supper
C) He walked on water to Jesus
What was Matthew's other name in the Bible?
A) Bob
C) Enoch
B) Levi
What language is Matthew believed to have originally written his Gospel in?
A) Greek
B) Roman
C) Hebrew
Who gave Peter his new name and what does it mean? Answer:
A) Blessed One
B) Good Prophet
C) Rock
What miraculous event did Peter experience while imprisoned?
A) He tuned water to wine
B) Cut of the soldiers ear
C) An angel freed him from prison
What notable sermon is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew?
A) Pairable of the lost son
B) Sermon on the mount
C) Wine to water
What was Luke's profession?
A) Doctor
B) tax collector
C) Fisherman
Why did Peter start to sink when he walked on water?
B) He was carrying the 10 commandants
C) he started to doubt
After Jesus’ resurrection, what did He ask Peter three times?
A) do you love me?
B) Why did you deny me
C) Come fish for men
What significant event does Matthew's Gospel begin with?
A) Wine to water
B) Sermon on the mount
C) Genealogy of Jesus
What miraculous event did Luke describe when Jesus was baptized?
A) Angels talking to shepherds
B) John announced that he was Jesus's cousin
C) The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove
What happened when Peter tried to defend Jesus during His arrest?
A) The soldier arrested him
B) He did in the garden
C) Cut off a soldiers ear
How many times did Peter deny Jesus before the rooster crowed?
A) 3
B) 7
C) 12
Which famous prayer is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew?
A) Golden Rule
B) Lords prayer
C) Psalm 23
What did Jesus say to the thief on the cross next to Him, according to Luke?
A) You are a sinner
B) Why did you steal
C) Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise