Who was baptized by John the Baptist?
Whop could be the Savior?
someone sinless
What is the meaning of atonement?
at peace with God
What is new life?
spiritual life
Our world has a lot of problems. But what is the real problem?
Who anointed Jesus after His baptism?
Why is Jesus the Savior?
He died for our sins.
Why was the atonement needed?
People were separated from God.
What does it mean to walk in newness of life?
living according to your new life in Christ
Sin is the real problem with the world. True and False?
What are the three persons of God called?
The Trinity
Why was Christ's resurrection important?
It shows true believers will also rise from the dead.
Why did Jesus need to be a person?
to die for people's sin
Where does the power to walk in newness of life come from?
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, we would not be saved from sin. True or False?
What are the three persons who are one God?
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
What does the resurrection of Christ give to believers?
Why should we be thankful for the resurrection?
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, we could still go to heaven. True or False?
Why is Jesus called Christ?
He is called Christ because the Holy Spirit has anointed Him to fulfill the offices of Prophet, Priest, and King.
What was the work of Christ?
The work of Christ was
(1) to keep the law of God perfectly,
(2) to suffer the penalty for our sins, and
(3) to rise again on the third day.
How was it possible for the Son of God to suffer?
The Son of God became human so that He could provide atonement for our sins.
What did Christ accomplish in the resurrection?
He conquered sin and death, raising believers to walk in newness of life and assuring us of future resurrection.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, the world could still fix itself. True or False?