What is the greatest example of agape love?
Christ on the Cross
Jesus came not to ________ but to _________ the law
abolish, fulfill
theological virtue and the highest form of love
The adoration, praise, and worship due to God alone.
To bring something to completion.
What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment?
To love God with all your heart, soul, and mind
List the 3 necessary assumptions:
God is the author
human beings have immortal souls
we are unique individuals
A member of the Air Force who is deployed into a war-torn overseas exercises the virtue of.
The quality of our actions whereby they are right or wrong is called.
God’s voice in our hearts, judging what is right and wrong and urging us to do what is right and avoid what is wrong, is called our.
Who do the first 3 commands and last 7 commands concern?
Love of God = first 3
Love of Neighbor = last 7
List the 3 parts of a moral act:
The object, intention, and circumstances
Believing in God’s promise that if we follow His commands and we will get to Heaven is an example of the theological virtue of.
Believing that Jesus is present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist is an example of which virtue.
What are the virtues?
Habits of looking for, choosing, and doing the good
C.S. Lewis identified four kinds of love:
philia, eros, agape and storge
How can the circumstances affect a moral choice?
They can enhance the goodness or diminish the quality of the action
The theological virtues are:
faith, hope, and love
_____________ask us to purify our hearts and direct our actions towards building God’s Kingdom.
the veneration or homage, different in nature and degree from that given to God, that is paid to the saints.
List the 4 types of Law:
Human, Divine, Eternal, and Natural Law
List TWO important conditions for following any of the works of mercy:
They are to be done according to one’s station and capacity
They must be done out of love or it means mean nothing
The Cardinal Virtues are:
prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance
How/why can man-made law present problems in discerning the right thing to do?
Man-made law is capable of NOT being in accord with God’s law
Believing in God’s promise that if we follow His commands and we will get to Heaven is an example of the theological virtue of ______