The man who betrayed Jesus
Judas Iscariot
The Mountain Jesus prayed on, the night before his Crucifixion
Mount Olives
During the Passover Feast who did the people choose to set free instead of Jesus
There was a fire in the _______, where Peter stood and warmed himself.
Who helped Jesus carry his cross?
Simon of Cyrene
The item Jesus' crown was made of
The place where Jesus was nailed to the cross
What did Jesus ask the father at the Mount of Olives.
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done"
What did the soldiers say to mocked Jesus when they knelt before him
"Hail, king of the Jews"
Name 3 things we do during mass on Good Friday
Reading of the passion narrative, veneration of the cross, drinking the bitter juice, the way of the cross and procession of penance
The number of times Peter denied Jesus
The man who is known for helping Jesus carry his cross.
Simeon of Cyrene
Why did the soldiers make Simon of Cyrene help carry the cross?
They thought Jesus would not reach Calvary alive
Why did God send an angel to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives?
To strengthen Him to accept the suffering.
What did Jesus say to the women of Jerusalem?
”Daughter of Jerusalem do not weep for me;weep instead for yourselves and for your children.”
Judas' signal to betray Jesus
A kiss
They took his clothes and divided them into ___ parts, one for each soldier.
After twisting some thorns into a crown,they put it on his head and put a reed in his ____________.
Right Hand
What are the three accusations brought against Jesus?
That Jesus opposes the payment of taxes to Caesar and maintains that he is the Messiah and a king.
Good Friday is the day of Holy week that commemorates __________.
The passion and crucifixion of Jesus
Jesus was taken to the courtyard of the palace where they stripped him and put a ______ robe on him.
Sweat of ____ trickled down his face.
When Jesus was being arrested what did his disciples do?
Run away
After telling his disciples to pray to overcome temptation, he knelt, and prayed to the father asking __________________________.
If he could take the cup of his suffering away, if it was his will
Pilate realized that Jesus had been arrested because of ______________
Jealousy of his people