The type of Jews who immigrated from Europe.
What is Ashkenazi?
The writer of the poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty, called "The New Colossus".
Who is Emma Lazarus?
The countries the first Jews who immigrated to America were from.
What are Spain and Portugal.
The Jews who led Jewish prayer in America before the first Rabbis arrived in America.
Russian word which, when directly translated, means “to wreak havoc.”
What is a Pogrom?
The job that many Jews found success in when they came to America, where they traveled around and sold wares.
What is a peddler?
A Yiddish advice column, starting in early 20th century New York City.
What is a Bintel Brief?
The number of Jews were on the Dutch Merchant ship the Valck, who were considered the first Jews in America and landed in New Amsterdam.
What is 23 Jews?
The type of Jews who immigrated from Spain and Portugal.
What is Sephardim or Sephardic Jews?
The period of time in history when people left the original colonies and looked for new opportunities.
What is Westward Expansion?
A territory in the west that many Jews settled in and developed local government and schools in.
What is Arizona?
The year Jews from the German lands begin to immigrate to America in substantial numbers.
What is 1820?
A 2,170-mile east–west, large-wheeled wagon route and emigrant trail in the United States that connected the Missouri River to valleys in Oregon.
What is the Oregon Trail?
An era extending roughly from 1877 to 1896, which was sandwiched between the Reconstruction era and the Progressive Era.
What is the Gilded Age?
An era of intense social and political reform aimed at making progress toward a better society.
What is the Progressive Era?
A leading figure of the New York Chapter of the Sons of Liberty, a Wall Street Broker and a leading financier of the Revolutionary War.
Who is Haym Salomon?
The Yiddish language newspaper in New York.
What is the Jewish Daily Forward?
Who are the Jewish 48ers?
The date that the first known group of Jews came to America.
What is September 7, 1654?
Lillian Walk open this settlement house on the lower east side of New York to bring services to the poor immigrants.
What is the Henry Street Settlement?
On December 17 1862, the order by Gen. Grant for the expulsion of all Jews to leave within a day was called.
The Hanukkah Expulsion
The clause in the Constitution that says there would be no religious test to hold office.
What is Article 6, clause 3.
This is the first Synagogue in America.
What is the Touro Synagogue?
The center of Jewish activity during the Revolutionary war.
What is Philadelphia?
Narrow, low-rise apartment buildings–many of them concentrated in the city’s Lower East Side neighborhood–were all too often cramped, poorly lit and lacked indoor plumbing and proper ventilation.
What is a tenement house?