Who Was I
What Did I Do?
They Tried to Kill Us
Modern History
Biblical History
A false Messiah who lived in Turkey in 1626 and later converts to Islam
Who was Shabtai Dov
Hillel and Shammai
What is argue endlessly about interpretation of Jewish law, most famously regarding how we should light Hanukkah candles.
Were they Greeks? Syrians? Who knows, but they sure made a mess of our Temple. Our leaders rose up and defeated them - who were they?
Who are the Maccabees?
Successful counter-terrorism hostage rescue mission in 1976 by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) at an airport in Uganda.
What is Entebbe Airport?
The predecessor to King David, first king of Israel, annointed by Samuel, went a bit crazy.
Who was King Saul?
A mystical man who lived in the 1700's and founded the Hassidic movement of Judaism
Who was the Baal Shem Tov aka Yisroel ben Eliezer
Rabbi Yochanan
Who was one of the greatest rabbis of the early Talmud period who started a school in Tiberias where he allowed anyone who wanted to to learn, a move that was controversial in his time.
He was the King of the Cannanites that Deborah rose up to defeat with the help of Yael and Barak.
Who was Jabin?
1972 event in which 11 Israeli athletes were murdered by a Palestinian terrorist group known as Black September
What were the Munich Olympics?
The man who incited the people to rebel against Moses because of all of the complex laws that had been handed down at Mt. Sinai that he said were impossible to follow and complained that Moses had made himself king.
Who was Korach?
Great Rabbi who lived in France around 1040 who wrote an extensive commentary on the Tanakh and Talmud
Who was Rashi
As the first Prime Minister of Israel, he declared the independence of the State of Israel, creating a modern new nation and leading it in war in 1948 against the Arabs who did not recognize the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish nation.
Who was David Ben-Gurion?
In 66 CE, the first war between the Israelites and these people started leading to the destruction of the first Temple.
Who were the Romans?
Peace agreement signed by US President Jimmy Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minisher Menachem Begin in 1978.
What were the Camp David Accords?
The king of Moab who wanted to curse the Jews and hired Bilaam to do so, but Bilaam and his talking donkey failed to do the cursing.
Who was Balak?
He led a revolt against the Roman empire in 132 CE and established a Jewish state which he ruled for 3 years until defeated.
Who was Bar Kokhba?
Tomas de Torquemada
Who was the Catholic Cardinal in Spain in the late 15th Century who was the grand inquisitor, murdering Jews and Muslims and forcing others to convert to Christianity?
This prophet's name means "my God" and he warned King Ahab that because of his debauchery and idol worship that years of severe drought would plague Israel. We invoke his name weekly at our Havdallah ceremonies. We invite him to our seders. And we save a chair for him at every brit milah.
Who was Elijah?
The names of the two operations to bring Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 1984 and 1991.
What are Operation Moses and Operation Solomon?
This was the father of Leah and Rachel who tricked Jacob into marrying the former when he really wanted the latter.
Who was Laban
He was an Israeli military leader who was appointed the minister of defense for the 6 day war and later became a crusader for peace
Who was Moshe Dayan?
Golde Meir
Who was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1969, the first woman to do so, and who worked with Henry Kissinger to try to achieve peace in Israel?
In this Persian city after about 180 days of partying and drinking, our heroine risks her life to save her people and does so with a happily-ever-after type of ending.
What is Shushan?
The name of the physical boundary dividing Europe into two parts following the end of World War II in 1945 preventing open contact between the Soviets and countries under their control and the West.
What was the Iron Curtain?
These are the handmaids/concubines of Jacob's two wives, Rachel and Leah, who bore him several of his 12 sons.
Who were Zilpah and Bilhah?