All of Israel is responsible for each other
"Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh L'zeh"
What is True?
Being Kind to Animals
"Hador P'nei Zaken"
Who is False?
This happened to a famous prophet who tried to run away from G-d on a boat because he didn't want to give a prophecy to the Jews' enemies that would have helped them repent.
Why was Jonah swallowed by a large fish?
Respect For Your Elders
"Hador P'nei Zaken"
Who is True?
This event occurred after the King of Persia banished his first wife because she disobeyed him. It helped him find a new wife.
Why did Achashverosh have a beauty contest?
Loving Your Neighbor
V'Ahavta L'Rayacha Kamocha"
What is True?
This famous Judge of Israel lost all his incredible strength because of this.
What is the cutting of Samson's hair?
Visiting the Sick
"Ahavat Yisrael"
What is False?