To drag or lug something around.
What is Schlep.
Israel's cultural and commercial capital.
What is Tel Aviv.
A word that means "to life" in Hebrew.
What is l'chayim.
(ahava) אַהֲבָה
An expression of dismay or woe.
What is Oy Vey. Oy is also accepted.
Celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the miraculous protection G‑d provided for the children of Israel when they left Egypt.
What is Sukkot.
A holy site for all three Abrahamic faiths, and more than 3.5 million tourists visit every year. There are more than 50 Christian churches, 33 Muslim mosques, and 300 Jewish synagogues in the city.
What is Jerusalem.
Composed of two overlaid equilateral triangles that form a six-pointed star.
What is the Star of David.
Mayim (מים)
To have nerve or gall.
What is Chutzpah.
Commemorates the Israelites' exodus from slavery in Egypt.
What is Passover.
Most populated Jewish city in the United States.
What is New York.
Wards off a person or supernatural being that can harm someone with a single look.
What is an Evil Eye.
Good night
Laila tov (לילה טוב)
To burst, shatter, crack or explode.
What is Plotz.
Marks the beginning of a “new year” for trees.
What is Tu BiShvat.
Israel's third largest city, it sits on the slopes of Mount Carmel facing the Mediterranean Sea. Some call it 'Israel's San Francisco'.
What is Haifa.
An open right hand with 5 digits.
What is a Hamsa or Hand of G-d.
You're welcome
Bevakasha (בבקשה)
Someone who offers opinions.
What is a Kibitzer.
The 49-day period between Passover and Shavuot.
What is Lag B'Omer.
This northern city is known for its kabbalistic mystics, magical alleyways, and art galleries.
What is Tsfat.
This fruit is a metaphor for the Jewish people. In the words of our sages, just as oil is extracted when it is compressed, so does the Jew.
What are Olives.
What’s up?
Ma nishma (מה נשמע)