Which holiday do we eat apples and honey, and why?
Rosh Hashanah
What is the name of the thing we put candles in on Hanukkah? Bonus 100: What is the name of the helper candle?
Bonus: shamash
Read this word in Hebrew:
How many days was the world created in?
What does being courageous mean?
To be brave, do the right thing when it is hard
What celebration marks a Jewish teenager becoming an adult? BONUS 200: What is it called when two people have this celebration together?
Bar or Bat Mitzvah
Bonus: B'nai Mitzvah
What four hebrew letters are on a dreidel?
Gimmel, hey, shin, nun
Read this word in Hebrew:
machaneh- camp
What was the name of the tower they could not build, as God separated them to all speak different languages?
The Tower of Babel
How did the Noah from Noah's ark show responsibility?
He did what God asked of him, and helped escort the animals to safety. He was put in charge of them, and he saved them.
How many days is the holiday of sukkot?
7 days
What three things do we need during a Havdalah service?
Wine or grape juice, candles and a spice box
Read this word in Hebrew:
Who was the son of Avraham, and what was his Hebrew name?
Bonus 300: What does his Hebrew name mean?
Which Jewish value is shown during Yom Kippur?
Yosher, Honesty
Yom Kippur is the holiday where we do what?
Repent, ask for forgiveness
What is name of the Jewish star?
Magen David, star of David
Read this word in Hebrew:
neshamah- jewish soul
Who are all the matriarchs in the Jewish lineage?
Sarai/Sarah, Rebecca/Rivkah, Rachel/Ruchel and Leah/Lea
What is one way that a founding mother or father of Judaism showed generosity?
Bonus 400: Name the Hebrew word for generosity
Rebecca: gave water to the camels
Abraham: Opened up his home
Bonus 400: Nedivut
Which holiday do we perform taschlich, throwing bread into a river to symbolize our past sins of the year being washed away?
Rosh Hashanah'
What is the name of the small box put on the doorframes of Jewish homes and stores containing the shema?
Read this word in Hebrew:
תִּיקוּן עוֹלָם
Bonus 500: What Jewish value is this?
Tikkun Olam
Bonus: to repair the world
What is the story called when Avraham tries to sacrifice his son?
The Binding of Issac
What is another Jewish value we HAVE NOT mentioned already?
Chesed/Kindness, Tikun Olam/Repair the world, Tieferet/strength