In traditional jewish weddings what do the couples stand under during the ceremony?
What is Chuppah
What is the age of bar and bat mitzvah
What is 13(bar) and 12(bat)
What is the enerting of Shabbat called?
What is kabbalat shabbat
What does it mean to keep Kosher
Holiday where you eat fried food and play driedal
What is chanukah
What couples need to sign before they get married
What is Ketubah
What is it called when the boy/girl reads in the torah for the first time
What is Haftorah
What is the bread you eat for shabbat?
What is challah
What is 6 hours
The holiday where you blow the shofar
What is Rosh Hashanah
What is aliyah and what is the reason behind it?
What is getting risen in a chair and having candy thrown at you to show the new sweet life
What does coming to the age of bar/bat mitzvah mean for the kid
What is taking responsibility for mitzvahs
What do you do during kabbalat shabbat?
Light candles, say blessing on wine and challah
What animals are not considered kosher
What is pork, camels, shellfish, animal with blood remains
The holiday where you fast and ask for forgiveness
What is Yom Kippur
What is the purpose of a Bedeken?
What is to insure the groom is marrying the bride for reasons other than her beauty
What responsibilities does a boy have after passing his Bar mitzvah
What is saying prayers, wrapping tefillin, reading from the torah
What is the purpose of Hafrashat Challah?
What is to give a piece of the challah dough to Hashem
What is the most common symbols for kosher and where does it come from?
What is U, it comes from Orothox Union
The holiday where you dress up and have a festive meal
What is Purim
What is the purpose of men stepping on glass?
What responsibilities does a girl have after passing her bat mitzvah
What is lighting shabbat candles and avoid touching males
What can you do during shabbat?
What does take for an animal to be considered Kosher?
Animals with split hooves and that chew their cud, or sea food with fins and scales
The holiday where you clean your entire house and eat a seder plate
What is passover/pesach