This character blacked at the most recent JSU mixer.
Who is Gabe Selver?
This is the Jewish of Elf on the Shelf.
What are chicpeas?
This was the president last year.
The Purim bags 2.0 were this color.
What is blue?
This JSU traitor is leaving next year for a small liberal arts school in NY.
Who is Giselle Makani?
During this Holiday the JSU put up a tent to party and only five people showed up.
What is Sukkot?
JSU gets their Challah bread from this special bakery.
What is Publix?
This building almost burned down thanks to the previous JSU Latkes bake. (The fire department came)
What is Murdy?
This was let behind in Phi Gamma after Alumni Shabbat. (EPD had to retrieve it)
What are the Purim bags?
What is sugar cookie dough?
This Holiday celebrates the great Jewish escape from Egypt.
What is Passover?
This is the holiest and sweetest wine known to man/woman.
What is Manoschevitz?
There were this many members on the JSU board last year?
How many is 30 Jews?
The Purim Bags were worth this amount.
This famous JSU alumni passed away this past year and was reincarnated in the current JSU.
This is Jewish Arbor Day.
What is Tu B'Shvat?
This is the worst food Hillel sends to us.
What is vegan chicken?
This previous JSU president appeared at the Alumni Shabbat.
Who is David?
This JSU member lost the purim bags.
Who is Gabe Selver?
Chana gave birth by herself in this location.
Where is the JRC bathtub?
This Holiday is Jewish Halloween.
What is Purim?
People were willing to kill for this bread after the most recent Bread X JSU Challah Collab. (Alan took the last loaf)
What is chocolate chip challah?
This member was almost killed by Lyn Pace this year.
What is Sydney?
The purim bags are here.