This tomato variant is about the size of a golf ball.
Cherry Tomato
This comedian played the role of Jerry in the hit sitcom Seinfeld, and he's sure to bring some great homemade honey for your challah.
Jerry Seinfeld
This apostraphe-like symbol helps a tzaddik, gimel, or zayin change their tune.
Nobody expected this 15th century hunt, during which Jews were either forced to convert to Christianity, or killed.
The Spanish Inquisition
This book of the Torah focuses on the Israelites' exodus from slavery in Egypt.
This peanut snack is a reason for Israel's low rate of peanut allergies.
Dear Satan, you may not be Jewish, but this tenacious musician learned all his hebrew at the sunday School of Rock.
Jack Black
When looking through a religious text, you can use this acronym to remember everything from plain text to secrets.
The Night of Broken Glass, or Kristelnacht, is seen as the turning point to this Jewish genocide.
The Holocaust
The Babylonian Talmud is generally seen as more authoritative than this Talmud, written in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem Talmud
Turn left in 1 mile! This gps app comes with all sorts of included voices like Cookie Monster, Buzz Lightyear, and an IDF captain.
Excelsior! This comic book writer isn't alone on shabbat. He's bringing The Thing, Moon Knight, and Magneto with him, but not before showing up in their movies.
Stan Lee
This lady took matters into her own hands when God wouldn't save her people alone.
When the Greeks forced us to worship their gods, we're lucky that this warrior and priest led us to victory.
Judah Maccabee
Out of all 13 of Jacob's children, only this one's name was carried on in the legacy of Judaism.
Download any of your files onto this high tech gizmo, and plug it in to a different computer to move them over.
Flash drive
You probably don't know Ruth Handler's name, but you definitely know this daughter. After all, she's been a doctor, a lawyer, and even president! What's not to be proud of?
This is when we say Asher Yatzar, the prayer thanking God for making sure our body works right.
Going to the bathroom
During Purim, Esther only mustered the strength to tell her secret to the King because all the Jews of Shushan did this with her.
The Elohist is one of the writers of the Torah, known for this name used in reference to God.
It's been used in farming since the Han Dynasty, but Israeli engineers mastered this source of crop hydration for the modern day.
Drip Irrigation
This "Funny Girl" and broadway star is a perfect addition to the Shabbat table, given that she spent a whole movie as a boy in Yeshiva
Barbra Streisand
When planning a program or a lesson, this cycle is a helpful way to group your plan into four separate quadrants.
Harvest Cycle
As early as the 2nd century, Christian texts blame Jews for the murder of this son of a carpenter.
Yom haKippurim is the full name given to Yom Kippur, in hopes that the somber holiday can become more like this holiday.