אף על גב
Even though
In what case is there a machloikes?
Yeush shelo Midas - when there is no siman
Holds no yeush shelo Midas on item without a siman
It is forbidden
lost item
מימר אמר
He will surely say
What is Yeush shelo midas
Giving up hope without realising the item is lost
Holds yeush shelo Midas on item without a siman
ושקילנה ליה
And collect it
lose hope
סימנה אית לה בגויה
There is a sign on it
In what case does Abaye and Rava agree?
When the lost item has a siman
What mesechata are we learning?
Bava metzia
When he hears
יהבנה סימנה
I will give the sign
Why according the Rava May a person keep a lost item that doesn’t have a siman if the owner doesn’t know they have lost it
Because he holds we can assume the owner would’ve given up hope
What is the name of the sugya?
Yeush shelo Midas
מהשתה הוא מיאוש
In the end he will give up hope
The mitzva to return a lost item
השב תשיבם
מיאש לבסוף
He give up hope in the end
Can there ever be a case of Yeush shelo Midas with a siman on the lost item
Yes - in extreme case like when the item is lost in the water during the high tide
Holds no yeush shelo Midas on item with a siman
Abaye and Rava
כדבעינן למימר לקמן
Like we will explain later on in the Gemara