When the month of Adar begins, we must increase in...
Mishloah manot is a commandment of Purim and means this.
Giving treats to friends and neighbors
How do you know Achashveirosh had a telephone?
First he gave Haman a ring, then he hung him up
Who was the king of Persia at the time?
The Purim story takes place in this Persian city.
The day before Purim is called...
Taanit Esther
Matanot l'evyonim is a commandment of Purim and means this.
Giving tzedakah to the poor
What’s the point of a Hamantashen?
Don’t be ridiculous, it has 3 points
Who is the first wife of the king.
The story takes place during this period in Jewish history.
Babylonian exile
The day after Purim is called Shushan Purim and is celebrated in walled cities like...
everyone must do this mitzvah on Purim.
Hear the Megillat Esther read aloud.
How do you know Achashveirosh was hard of hearing?
Because it says “ויהי בימי אחשוורוש who? אחשוורוש!
Who is the hero and also Esther's uncle.
What did Haman build in his backyard?
During a Hebrew leap year, the month of Adar happens this number of times.
Purim occurs on 14 Adar, usually falling in the English month of...
What was Queen Esther’s royal gown made of?
Who wanted to destroy the Jews.
Upon hearing Haman's plot, Esther did this for 3 days.
Adar falls between these 2 months.
Shevat and Nisan
The meaning of the word Purim.
Knock knock who’s there. Vashti. Vashti who?
Vash- dee dishes and I’ll give you a Hamantashen
Haman was a descendant of...
This name is not mentioned in the Megillah
Hashem's name