This item is used to make Tsit Tsit
what is Wool but can be linen
This man was recognized for being a genius and came up with the formula E=mc^2
Who is Albert Einstein
This chapter has Shli over Moreh
What is Alan Soifert?
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Simcha Torah
This color is the overall color of snugglepuss
What is purple
This item is used to make Tallit
what is Wool or Linen
Who is Drake
What is Jerusalem (western wall for extra)
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This color is the overall color of samaradgene
what is green
The shofar comes from this animal (the horn)
What is the ram, goat, oryx or kudu
This female actor played as a super hero who flies an invisible jet (also seen in the movie Red Notice)
Who is Gal Gadot
This is the year of the Israeli calendar
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Yom Kippur
This color is the overall color of falu
what is red
This item is used to make Torah and this is the name of the person who handwrites it for extra points
what are Parchment sheets of the skin of a Kosher animal
What is a Sofer
This man is an actor who usually makes movies with this friends like Kevin James (from Paul Bart mall cop) and is seen usually walking around in public with a very baggy look
Who is Adam Sandler
These holidays are not mentioned in the torah but celebrated by Jewish people (partial credit)
What are Hanukkah and Purim
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This color is the overall color of gamboge
what is yellow/orange
This item is used to make Teffillin (the straps)
what is the skin of a kosher animal
This man is a comic book editor, publisher, scriptwriter, and producer who was the creator of many heroes in Marvel
Who is Stan Lee
This man was the first prime minister of Israel, bonus if you can give the year he started being the prime minister and month for more
What is David Ben-Gurion and when is May 14 1948
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Tu bishvat
This color is the overall color of glaucous
what is blue