JFK Years
JFK Years 2
Start of Vietnam
U.S. In Vietnam
Nixon and The End

Herbicide used to kill plant life, caused long term health problems for both sides.

What is Agent Orange


Where were many anti-war protests held?

College Campuses


Who was originally fighting over Vietnam?

What is France and Vietnam


Nixon's plan to have the South Vietnamese take over more of the fighting so we could bring some of our troops home.

What is Vietnamization


Who did Nixon defeat in the 1968 election?

What is Hubert Humphrey


Name the reason why there was conflict with Cuba.

Castro and the Communists took over giving the Soviets a country they controlled at our doorstep.


Describe the type of fighting that was typically utilized by the Communists.

Guerilla Warfare, small, surprise attacks.  The Communists would only fight if they felt they were guaranteed victory.


The leader of the Communist troops in Vietnam.

What is Ho Chi Minh


The massacre of 500 Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops searching for Vietcong soldiers.

What is My Lai Massacre


Which presidential candidate was assassinated after winning the California primary. Was considered the front runner before then.

What is Robert Kennedy


Jellied Gasoline used to burn fields, etc.



How many troops did the US have in Vietnam in 1965 and 1968?

What is: 




The name for the Communist soldiers in Vietnam.

What is Vietcong

South Vietnamese=ARVN


Attack by the North Vietnamese troops on 36 provincial capitals and 5 major cities.

What is Tet Offensive


Which college held the protest where four students were killed by our national guard.

What is Kent State


This was a planned assault on Cuba to overthrow Castro. Failed miserably.

What is Bay Of Pigs


The closest the U.S. has come to nuclear war. JFK's most tense days as President.

What is Cuban Missile Crisis


The theory that if Vietnam fell to communism, many other countries would soon follow.

What is Domino Theory


What was the name of the ship attacked which caused Johnson to escalate the conflict in Vietnam.

What is U.S.S. Maddox


These were released to the public stating that the U.S. gov't had been lying to Congress and the people about the state of the war.

What is Pentagon Papers


Define Hawks and Doves and Describe how it is hard for a Gov't to make decisions when the people are so divided on an issue.

Hawks=War Supporters


It is hard for the Gov't because they are supposed to govern based on the will of the people and if the people are divided they are always going to anger one side.  (Ex: The Wall, Iraq War (towards the end), etc.)


Ended above ground nuclear tests for many of the world powers.

What is Nuclear Test Ban Treaty


Why were the Vietnamese troops so hard to defeat?  Use Ho Chi Minh's analogy.

They fought using Guerilla Warfare.  Ho Chi Minh compared their troops to a tiger and the US troops to an elephant. If the tiger stands still he will be crushed, but if they keep moving and taking small bites the elephant will eventually bleed to death.


What problems can arise when the Gov't and media are saying two different things?

The people don't know who to trust.  Leads to negative reactions about whatever the situation may be.


What were the lasting effects of the Vietnam War? (Have to explain each reason on the test!!!!)

What is More trouble in Southeast Asia, Troops came back home to mixed reactions, it changed U.S. war policy.