Fighting in Vietnam
The Antiwar Movement
Nixon and the End of Vietnam

The first sustained bombing bombing in North Vietnam, and Johnson's first escalation of the war, was called Operation...

What is Operation Rolling Thunder? 


This famous boxer refused to join the US Army, was sentenced to prison, and lost 3 years of his career. 

Who is Muhammad Ali? 


Nixon won the election of 1968 in large part because he promised to do this. 

What is end the war in Vietnam? 


The Vietcong proved better at guerilla warfare because they had superior knowledge of the jungle and had intricate systems of these:

What were the Cu Chi Tunnels? 


The youth movement on colleges and universities that grew into the antiwar movement was called:

What is the New Left? 


Nixon's plan to turn the war over to the South Vietnamese army was called:

What is Vietnamization? 


Name 2 of the 3 reasons American troops failed to win the "hearts and minds" of Vietnamese civilians. 

What is napalm, agent orange, and search-and-destroy missions? 


Doves advocated for peace during the Vietnam Era. This group supported the war effort. 

Who are the hawks? 


The My Lai Massacre, Pentagon Papers, and Nixon's bombing of Cambodia and Laos led to an increase in THIS, the term for Americans not believing what they are told about Vietnam. 

What is the credibility gap? 


Vietnam was called a "rich man's war, poor man's battle" because 80% of our troops came from this social class:

What is the working class? 


The Yippies infamously offered who/what as the Democratic nominee in 1968, saying it could do a better job than those chosen by the party. 

Who was Pigasus? 


After Nixon won the 1972 election and peace talks broke down, he responded by dropping 100,000 bombs over 11 days. This is called:

What are the Christmas Bombings? 


This surprise attack from the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army in January 1968 resulted in the loss of the US Embassy, 12 US air bases, and many towns/cities in South Vietnam. 

What is the Tet Offensive? 


The National Guard opened fire, killed four students and injured another 9, at this college campus.

What is Kent State?


One lasting change from the Vietnam Era is the 26th Amendment, which:

What is lowered the legal voting age from 21 to 18?