Physics Intro
Aviation Careers

The path an object takes when thrown is called what?

What is the trajectory?


These are characteristics of which aviation job?

  • Design, Develop, Test Aircraft

  • Improve Efficiency and Reliability of Aircraft

  • Improve Safety Features of Aircraft

  • Research Innovative Ideas

What is Aircraft Engineer/Designer?


Define displacement

What is a vector that measures the distance between two points


The velocity of a car that traveled 21 meters in 7 seconds

What is 3m/s?


The equation for force according to Newton's 2nd Law

What is F=ma?


Velocity and speed are different because...

Speed = Scalar

Velocity = Vector


True or false?

An airplane mechanic needs either a trade school or bachelor’s degree

What is TRUE?


The shortest distance between two points is what?

What is a straight line?

**This is the definition of displacement.**


Velocity and acceleration are different ways of measuring this

What is speed?


True or false? 

If a ball hits a wall, the force the ball exerts on the wall is more than the force the wall exerts on the ball.

What is FALSE? 


This is the value of the acceleration due to gravity on Earth

What is 9.8m/s2?


This agency ensures the safety of the airport

What is the Transport Security Administration (TSA)?


On a graph, the x-axis is time in seconds and the y-axis is distance a car traveled with respect to time. The slope of this graph represents what?

What is the car's velocity?


A train moving at a constant speed of 30 m/s takes 10 seconds to pass through a tunnel. What is the length of the tunnel?

What is 300m?


If a plane is flying at a constant speed and altitude, which forces are equal? 

What are ALL forces?


These two forces can slow objects down along their trajectory

What are gravity and friction?


A doctor, lawyer, federal air marshal, and flight attendant are on a plane. Which one of these are not directly responsible for the health and safety of the passengers during flight? 

What is Lawyer?


This reaction is an example of which of Newton's Laws?

What is Newton's 3rd Law?

BONUS 100PTS for correct answer


A cyclist accelerates from 5 m/s to 25 m/s in 4 seconds. What is the cyclist's acceleration?

What is 5m/s2?


A swimmer pushes water backwards with her hands. According to Newton's Third Law, what is the  force that propels her forward?

What is the force of the water pushing forward on her hands?


If the acceleration of a plane is 2000m/s2 and its altitude does not change, which is the primary force moving the plane?

What is thrust?


161,000 Jobs Reported in 2022 for this aviation job

What is airplane mechanic?


In a vacuum, two objects of different massed will fall and land at the same time. This is due to the absence of _______

What is air resistance?


If I am walking at 5m/s then come to a stop within2 seconds, what is my acceleration?

What is -2.5m/s2?


Of a plane, the lift force is 1100N, the weight force is 1000N, and the drag force is 300N less than the thrust, what is happening to the plane?

What is taking off?