I'm in the family business.
Poor, overworked doctor.
A field of guinea pigs.

How many of Dr. Liu's family members work at BioMidlands?

Six. (6-8)


What year did Dr. Liu meet Dr. Davis?

2014. (26)


Why was Dr. Liu surprised at Dr. Davis' mention of Sanguixa?

It is a rarely-prescribed drug, and it is expensive. (32)


What is Dr. Liu's understanding of how medication is prescribed at Open Arms Clinic?

Nurse practitioners often wind up essentially prescribing additional medicine, like pain relief medication, to patients. (48-49)


What is the purpose of Phase One clinical trials?

Use healthy volunteers so that we can observe any toxicities or other safety problems of our clinical candidates without the confounding factors of multiple underlying diseases. (71-73)


How many times has Dr. Liu testified and before whom?

5-6 times before Congress. (18)


How many times did Dr. Liu meet with Dr. Davis at Open Arms clinic?



According to Dr. Liu, Renibix can be prescribed safely with Amtamid and Sanguixa with one exception...

For patients who do not have additional risk factors. (61-62)


What justification did NP Robinson give for need to know information about the drugs?

Dr. Davis will literally sign anything I hand over without looking. (54-55)


Why did the clinical team not receive similar data in Phases II and III?

It was an unnecessary patient population. (82)


What team is Dr. Liu a part of at BioMidlands?

The medical affairs team. (13)


About what was Dr. Davis particularly excited during his first meeting with Dr. Liu?

The early evidence suggesting that RENIBIX was better tolerated with aspirin than most kidney disease treatments. (29-30)


What three reasons does Dr. Liu give for the potential need for a blood thinner? 

If a patient has lupus, is overweight, or recently had surgery. (97-98)


What did Dr. Liu remind Dr. Davis when he met with him at Open Arms clinic?

RENIBIX only had been tested with aspirin, and it is dangerous to mix aspirin with other blood thinners. (45-46)


How does Dr. Liu define "all-cause mortality"?

The patient died. It does not mean that the patient died because of the drugs he or she was taking/was prescribed. (123-124)


For how many hours did Dr. Liu meet with defense attorneys to prepare for this case?

About 10. (24)


What did Dr. Davis yell when Dr. Liu saw him "lose big time" at Midlandia?

“Kiran Aggarwal is going to need to fill A LOT of prescriptions next month.”


What result yielded the conclusion that Renibix could be safely prescribed with aspirin?

When tested together, the study did not show a statistically significant increase in side effects. (77)

Why is it difficult to identify causal connections for drug side effects?

Comorbidities in patient population. (69-70)


What is the only advantage of Sanguixa, according to Dr. Liu. 

It can be easily compounded with other drugs. (33)


How does Dr. Liu describe his job?

He provides scientific and clinical support for approved commercial products. (13-14)


How does Dr. Liu characterize the signature on Exhibit 8?

I recognize the signature as Dr. Davis’s signature from the dozens of other prescriptions I have seen Dr. Davis sign. I do not have any reason to believe that someone else signed this prescription, but I’m obviously not a handwriting expert. (153-155)


Why did Dr. Liu think it would be unlikely that BioMidlands would study the combination of Renibix and Sanguixa?

Because of how few patients we could reasonably expect to actually be treated with that combination. (35-36)

What was the reason for testing Renibix with Aspirin in the Phase I trial?

The well-known dangers of blood thinners for kidney disease patients. (75-76)


What percentage of patients would Dr. Liu expect to be treated with Renibix, Amtamid, and Sanguixa?

Less than 3%. (36)