What is Jiggs favorite candy?
Reese's Sticks
What was Jiggs first job?
Day Camp Counselor
What is Jiggs Star Sign?
Drunken Noodles
What is Mitch's favorite Color
"Blue/ Purple/ sometimes green"
What is Jiggs favorite Ice Cream?
Oreo/Cookies and Cream
What was Jiggs first car?
Dodge Durango
What is the Brides Middle name?
What is Jiggs Lucky number?
Where is Mitch's dream trip to go with Jiggs?
What is Jiggs favorite Booze drink?
Margaritas or Long Drinks
Who was Jiggs first celebrity crush?
Zac Efron
How many days till the wedding?
What is Jiggs most used Emoji?
When did Mitch decide Jiggs was the one?
The first date
What is Jiggs Favorite Artist/ Band?
Zac Brown Band or Kenny Chesney
Where did Mitch and Jiggs go for their first date?
What is Jiggs favorite sports team?
What is Jiggs Bra size?
What is Mitch's favorite trait about Jiggs?
Always so kind and willing to help others
What is Jiggs favorite condiment?
Barbecue sauce
How long did it take Mitch and Jiggs to say "I love you"?
Two weeks
Winchester Hospital in Winchester MA
Jiggs go to Karaoke Song?
Picture by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow
What day did Mitch propose?