Eye Health
Dental Health
First Aid
Questions about Past Presentations

The second cranial nerve. 

What is the optic nerve? 


What do you do if someone breaks a tooth? 

- Many accidents can cause trauma (slips/falls, sports)

- See a dentist ASAP- ER can help with pain, but often cannot help with the dental fixing 

- May need a dental x-ray, replacement options, restorations 

- May refer to an oral surgeon for more serious or complicated treatment 


What should not be used to clean a cut? 

Alcohol! Use soap and water. 


What is a deductible?

A one time annual amount that must be for medical services before insurance will make any payments towards a service.


What are good nutrients to consume for eye health- list at least two. 

- Lutein 

- Zeaxanthin 

- Vitamin C and E 

- Essential fatty acids 

- Zinc 


Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed (in most cases)? 

  • They can cause swelling, infection, decay, and gum trauma

  • Most people have them removed from 18-21. 

  • They are removed because future problems may arise- decay, or a gingival infection 


If someone is impaled with a dart, what should you do? 

The first step is ensuring the scene is safe- aka get the person away from the dart game! 

Then, assess the situation. How deep is the dart embedded in the skin? Is there profuse bleeding? Do they complain of intense pain? 

- If the wound is deep, and when you try to pull the dart out, feel resistance, go to the emergency room. You should clean around the wound with soap and water, and can wrap around the wound with gauze to help the bleeding. You may also advise the person to elevate their extremity to help with swelling.

- If the wound is minor, remove the dart (carefully) and dispose in a proper container- it has body fluids on it. Wash the area gently with soap and water, and dry and gently wrap the area with gauze. Advise the person to elevate the area and take ibuprofen for possible pain. 

- If the wound begins to feel hot, is red, or is expelling puss, advise the individual to seek medical attention, as it may be infected.  


What are two of the models of disability? 

- Moral model: disability is wrong, ugly laws, faith healing 

- Charity model: tragic, pity, institutional care

- Medical model: pathologization, DSM, cure/fix/prevent

- Social model: human beings are diverse in bodies and minds. Abilities shift throughout our lives, and what gets valued as an ability or devalued as disability are social decisions. 


What to expect at a comprehensive eye exam?

- History

- Visual acuity

- Refraction

- Eye health evaluation 


How to help dental phobia? 

  •  The patient decides what they are comfortable with- give them space to do so. 

  • Pain management (trigger avoidance, local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, sedation dentistry 

  • Behavioral action- learn the vicious cycle of inactivity > depression > inactivity and understanding that we need to activate ourselves to feel better again 

  • Monitor the daily activities (relationship between activity and mood) 

  • Identifying our values and goals (what really matters to us) 

  • Simple activation (scheduling and carrying out meaningful activities) 

  • Getting into the schedule of brushing and flossing teeth twice a day, and making it a healthy part of the schedule 


What are the ABCs of CPR? 

  • A: airway- ensure the airway is open  - tilt the head back and lift the chin. 

  • B: breathing- check to see if the individual is breathing and provide rescue breaths.  

  • C: circulation: perform CPR after checking for a pulse and not establishing one. 


What does FRIES stand for? 

F- freely given

R- reversible 

I- informed 

E- enthusiastic 

S- specific


Digital eye strain treatment. 

- Proper eye correction

- Proper body positioning for computer use (15- 20 degrees below eye level, center of screen 20-28 inches from eyes). 

- Reference materials: head should not need to be repositioned- above keyboard, below monitor. 

- Avoid glare

- Blink more 

- Breaks! 


Why is vaping dangerous for your health? 

Where to begin? 

- Nicotine is highly addictive and can harm brain development (which continues until age 25). 

- Using nicotine in adolescence can harm the parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control. 

- Nicotine changes the way synapses are formed. 

- Using nicotine in adolescence may also increase the risk of future addiction to other drugs. 

- Aerosols contain harmful ingredients. 

- Danger of fires! They have exploded before. 

- You can be poisoned swallowing, breathing, or absorbing e-cigarette liquid through the skin or eyes. 


What is the STI testing timeline? Please provide the testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. 

Chlamydia: 1-2 weeks (urine or swab test)

Gonorrhea: 5 days- 2 weeks (urine or swab test) 

Syphilis: 3-6 weeks (blood test) 

HIV: 18-45 days (blood test)


How should you respond SUPPORTIVELY to someone who details a sexual assault encounter? 


- "I believe you," "It's not your fault," "Thank you for trusting me with this," "I am so sorry this happened to you." 

Let them speak and listen. Match language used and ask how you can help- let them take control. 


Most common infection in college students and what to do. 

Viral conjunctivitis (pink eye) 

- Highly contagious, avoid eye contact with infected individuals 

- Disinfect household surfaces 

- No contacts/eye makeup

- Artificial tears 

- Cold compresses 


How are oral health and overall health connected? Please describe something specific. 

  • periodontal disease is linked to heart disease, diabetes, low birth weight, weight gain, dementia, and early mortality 

  • Autoimmune disorders can also impact oral health (arthritis, diabetes, high BP, etc.) and vice versa. 

  • Poor dental health can cause: strokes, heart disease, mouth cancer, diabetes, gum disease, tooth loss, bad breath, dental decay, and lung conditions.


What should you ask someone who is thinking about ending their life? 

- Remember that you want to assess their risk: 

Ask questions like: 

- "I'm hearing you feel hopeless about your situation. Has this led to dark thoughts like ending your own life?"

- "When you think about killing yourself, how do you imagine it?" 

- "Have you made plans for how to kill yourself? If so, do you have on hand what you would need to carry it out?"

- "On a scale from 0 to 5, zero being you have no intentions and five being you will end your life today, how would you rate your intent?"


Which drugs can nalaxone be used for? Name at least three. 

- Heroin

- Morphine 

- Hydromorphone 

- Oxycodone 

- Hydrocodone 

- Fentanyl 

- Buprenorphine 

- Codeine 

- Methadone