Nursery Rhymes
Baby Shower Basic
TV Show & Movie Babies
Historical Figures & World Record Baby Facts
Fun Facts About Babies

This nursery rhyme character sat on a wall before having a great fall.

Who is Humpty Dumpty?


A sweet treat often served at baby showers, typically decorated in pink or blue.

What is a baby shower cake?


The twins who played the youngest member of the Tanner family on the show “Full House.”

Who are Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen?


This famous British monarch, known for her long reign, was born in Kensington Palace in 1819.

Who is Queen Victoria?


his is the average number of diapers a baby goes through in one year.

What is 2,500 to 3,000 diapers?


They went to the cupboard to fetch her poor dog a bone in a popular nursery rhyme.

Who is Old Mother Hubbard?


These are often hung up to decorate the venue, filled with helium, and might reveal the baby’s gender.

What are balloons?


This animated baby, known for his suit and briefcase, tries to stop the evil plans of Puppy Co.

Who is “Boss Baby”?


Maria del Carmen Bousada Lara, who gave birth by caesarean section to twin boys, in Barcelona, Spain on 29 December 2006.

Who is the oldest person to give birth to twins.


This is the only sense that is fully developed at birth in babies.

What is hearing?


He met a pieman while going to the fair.

Who is Simple Simon?


A game where guests try to guess the baby’s birth date, weight, and time of arrival.

What is a “Baby Pool” or “Baby Prediction Game”?


This 2008 comedy stars Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

What is “Baby Mama”?


olding the record for the heaviest birth weight, this baby weighed in at 22 pounds and 8 ounces in 1955.

Who is the baby born to Carmelina Fedele in Italy?


This is the special moment when a baby responds to ____, typically around 5 to 7 months.

What is “recognizing oneself in a mirror”?


Animal who jumped over the moon in a classic nursery rhyme.

Who is The Cow (from “Hey Diddle Diddle”)?


A game where guests are forbidden to say a specific word.

What is the “Don’t Say Baby” game?


This 1995 movie features a baby lost in the big city, with criminals chasing after him.

What is “Baby’s Day Out”?


The first baby to be born using this process was Louise Brown (UK), who was conceived on 10 November 1977.

Who is the first "test tube baby" or IVF baby.


This is the percentage of babies that are born with some amount of hair, though the amount and color can change rapidly in the first months of life.

What is 80%?


He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl, and he called for his fiddlers three.

Who is Old King Cole?


A game where guest use on of their sense to figure out something.

What is the “Guess the Baby Food” game?


What was the most significant attraction in Khloe Kardashian’s baby shower?

What is adorable elephant sculptors that were made of flowers.


An astonishing record of having the most consecutive girl/boy births from 1955 to 1975 was achieved in Chicago, Illinois by this family.

Who is the Ewers family.


Many babies achieve this major mobility around 7 to 9 months.

What is the “pincer grasp”?