Making Inferences/Drawing Conclusions
Main Idea/Supporting Details
Compare and Contrast
Cause and Effect
The wind blew through the rigging as the boy watched the clouds roll in. As the waves grew bigger and bigger, he decided it was time to head home. What is the boy doing?
Teeth can tell you what kinds of food a mammal eats. Plant eaters (herbivores) like deer have large, flat molars for grinding plants. Animals that eat both plants and meat (omnivores) have strong canines and molars for tearing and grinding foods. Animals that are meat eaters (carnivores) have canine teeth for cutting and tearing. What is the main idea of this passage and 1 supporting detail?
Main Idea: An animal's teeth can tell you what kinds of food the animal eats. Supporting Detail: Plant eaters..., Animals that eat both plants..., Animals that are meat eaters...,
Tanner and Jonathan are extremely competitive. When the bake sale came at school they made a little bet that each of them would sell the most goods. Jonathan started off early in the morning selling baked goods to students. Tanner did not get started until lunch time each day. The day before turning in the final money, Jonathan was up on Tanner by 50 dollars. Tanner became angry and poked holes in all of the rest of Jonathan's baked goods. Jonathan decided that he could not sell the rest of the goods considering that they had been tampered with. Tanner ended winning by 100 dollars. Jonathan never even bothered to tell on him. If asked to tell how the two characters contrast what would be the most appropriate conclusion?
Jonathan is a good sport, while Tanner is not.
Megan was so excited by the parade that she forgot and left her coat at home. Megan stood outside with the rest of the people enjoying the parade and braving the cold weather. As a result, Megan was sick the rest of the weekend. What caused Megan to get sick?
She left her coat at home
Seth stepped into his front yard and looked up and down the street. Nothing made sense. Several other houses had the front portion of their driveway ripped out just as Seth's had been. But there were several more houses whose driveways were untouched. There were slices of road cut out here and there, but Seth could see no pattern to the places that were cut up. He could even see one worker filling in a recently cut piece of the roadway with fresh cement. Was there any point to what they were doing, or were they just breaking things and putting them back together to kill time? Seth had no way to know, so he just went back to the window to watch. It might not make sense, but, for Seth, destruction was fun to watch. Write a one sentence summary for this paragraph.
Seth did not understand why only parts of the road were being destroyed, so he decided to just watch and enjoy.
Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry. Where was Shanay?
the aquarium
When you want to hang the American flag over the middle of a street, suspend it vertically with the blue field, called the union, to the north and east-west street. When the flag is displayed with another banner from crossed staffs, the American flag is on the right. Place the staff of the American flag in front of the other staff. Raise the flag quickly and lower it slowly and respectfully. When flying the flag at half-mast, hoist it to the top of the pole for a moment before lowering it to mid-pole. When flying the American flag with banners from states or cities, raise the nation's banner first and lower it last. Never allow the flag to touch the ground. What is the main idea of this passage and 1 supporting detail?
Main Idea: American flag should be placed differently in certain situations. Supporting Detail: when you hang the American flag over the middle of a street..., when displayed with another banner...,
Compare and Contrast: Coke and Pepsi At least 3 things alike/different
Compare: soda, liquid, dark brown, consumed, refreshment Contrast: Coke has a red bottle, Pepsi has a blue bottle, more sugar in Pepsi than Coke, different slogans, Coke was established before Pepsi,
The hare and the tortoise had a race because the hare bragged about being faster. What is the effect in this sentence?
The hare and tortoise had a race.
Cornelia wanted to get out of taking her test in Science. She asked to go to the restroom during science class. As she wandered along the hall the shiny red fire drill seemed to call her name. Cornelia looked left and then right, and pulled the alarm. Green spray came out all over her arms, just as she began to run away. Ms. Singelton saw Cornelia's green arms and took her straight to the office. Turns out she still had to take the test, but from ISSP. Write a sentence to summarize this paragraph.
Cornelia wanted to get out of a science test so she pulled the fire alarm. she got caught and ended up in ISSP.
What can you "infer" by reading the passage below? "I hate the idea of having all those people out there watching me...I just don't like it when I'm around so many people. I wish I just could hide somewhere," whispered Violet.
Violet is somewhat shy.
Floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood What is the main idea of the passage and 1 supporting detail?
Main Idea: floods can cause lots of damage Supporting Detail: ruins houses, roads..., take down trees, cause mudslides, leaves mud..., months to clean up.
Compare and contrast: Fruits and Vegetables At least 3 alike/different.
Compare: edible, healthy, grown in a garden, Contrast: fruits are sweeter, more vegetable are green in color, most vegetables are cooked and fruits are eaten in the regular state,
The tortoise won the race because he continued on, slowly, but steadily. What is the cause?
He continued on, slowly but steadily.
Travis and Frederick went to the mall to buy shoes. Frederick decided that he was going to steal a pair of shoes from the mall. Travis tried to talk Frederick out of doing it. When they got to the mall and entered the shoes store Travis went to look at some shoes. Frederick pretended to be looking at shoes, when he suddenly bolted for the door with a pair of Nikes. The security guard reached out and grabbed Frederick's arm and took him to the station. Travis just called his mom to pick him up. Write a one sentence summary for this paragraph.
Travis tried to talk his friend Frederick out of stealing shoes from the mall, but when he did it anyway he got caught.
Sally Ann was over 80 years old. She lived in a small house with a very small fenced-in yard. She had just lost her 16-year-old dog and decided to get another dog right away. Sally Ann went to the animal shelter, and after looking at all the dogs, she narrowed her choice down to two. The first was a large, black, one-year-old retriever. He had a lot of energy and was used to running on acres of land. The second dog was a small, three-year-old mix. The people who had owned him said he stayed home alone all day and knew how to use a doggy door to go out to the yard. Which dog do you think Sally Ann chose?
Sally Ann chose the small three-year-old mix
Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Josh hung up a big sign that said,"Happy Birthday, Charles!" Mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food in the whole world. My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. I wondered what it was. It was a new basketball! I had a great day. What is the main idea of this passage and 1 supporting detail?
Main Idea: Charles had a great birthday. Supporting Detail:big sign, favorite food...spaghetti, friend came over with gift...
Compare and Contrast: Cats and Dogs at least 3 alike/different
Compare: animals, 4 legs, hairy, pets, have babies Contrast: dogs bark & cats meow, cats have a litter box,
The boy cries wolf because he is bored. What is the effect?
boy cries wolf
When writing a summary, it is okay to include any opinions or background knowledge you have on the topic. True or False
The family dog hid behind the sofa as a storm roared outside. There was lightning and thunder. The dog whimpered each time it heard the thunder. Dad tried to coax the dog out, but it wasn't going anywhere. You can guess that... .
The dog was afraid of storms.
Could you be a record setter? If you want to be in the Guinness Book of World Records, you will need to do something better than anyone else in the world. First, read all of the current records. Decide if you will try to break an existing record or set a new one. Write to Guinness Records to get the guidelines. Keep careful notes on your record attempts. Two reliable persons or organizations must act as witnesses. Each record attempt must be recorded on videotape. If you think you can do it, give t a try! What is the main idea of this passage and 1 supporting detail?
Main Idea: If you want to be in the Guinness Book of World Records, you will need to do something better than anyone else. Supporting Detail: Keep careful notes..., 2 reliable organizations..., record on video tape...,
Compare and contrast: Soccer and Football at least 3 alike/different
Compare: Sports, use a ball, a team, work together, must block, kick in both, Contrast: the color of the ball, kick ball into a net-soccer-run the ball for a touchdown, shorts worn in soccer-,
Identify the effect in this sentence. No one comes, and the wolf eats all the sheep.
Wolf eats all the sheep
Researchers have found that parents view boy babies and girl babies differently as early as the first week of life. Little girls are said to be unlike boys in both facial characteristics and personality. Boy babies are usually bigger than girl babies and are actually described stronger as and more alert than little girls. On the other hand, little girls are seen as sweeter, gentler and more passive than little boys. Although two infants may look alike or be equally fragile, parents handle boy babies with less care than the girls. Write a statement that best explains how boys and girls are treated differently?
Parents handle boys more roughly than girls.