Main Idea /Supporting Details
Compare and Contrast
Context Clues
Drawing Conclusions/Making Inferences
People often refer to taxes in terms of their being much too high. In reality, they are probably even higher than you think, because in addition to the federal income tax we are now studying, there are many other Federal, State, and local taxes, including sales taxes, inheritance taxes, state income taxes, personal property taxes, real estate taxes, and others. These are just some of the most obvious ones. What is the main idea and 1 supporting detail?
Main Idea: We pay more taxes than we realize. Supporting Detail: there are many other federal, state, and local...,
Compare and contrast: Learning to drive to learning to ride a bike 3 alike/3 different
Compare: Ways to travel, you have to be taught to do it, safety restraints to use, wheels, steering mechanism, Contrast: 4 wheels/2 wheels, handlebars/steering wheel, need a license to drive vs. biking, you learn early in age to ride bike, you get a permit for driving 1st,
When some people think about Texas, they think of cowboys on the open range-herding cattle up a dusty trail. However, Texas has much more than open prairie with large herds of cows. There are the mountains of West Texas, the piney hills of east Texas, and the emerald waters off the coast of Padre Island. Texas also has large coastal harbors with numerous sailboats, powerboats, inland lakes, rivers, swamps of southeast Texas with alligators and other exotic wildlife.
People think Texas only having open prairie with large herds of cows. However, it offers more; like mountains of west Texas...
When my son looks at the night sky, he often declares he wants to be an astronomer when he grows up. astronomer?
one who studies stars
I quickly packed my suitcase. I tossed in a change of clothes, a toothbrush, and a hairbrush. Glancing at my watch, I zipped the suitcase and walked to the front door. After I shut the window blinds, I pulled a heavy coat from the closet.
Taking a short trip... Info from text: blinds, packing suitcase,
The fact that electronic computers are now used for data processing has led the general public to believe that it is a mysterious, complicated science and that the computers are giant brains. Both of these ideas are false. A computer is basically just a high-speed adding machine that performs the functions it is told to. If the input data are varied even a little, the computer is unable to operate until it is programmed to accept the variations. The business operations it performs are impressive only because of the extremely high speed of manipulation, but most of these operations have been used for decades. Unlike man, the computer performs repetitive calculations without getting tired or bored. What is the main idea and 1 supporting detail?
Main Idea: The computer is basically just a high speed adding machine that performs like is told to. Supporting Detail: If input data is varied..., The business operations are impressive only because....,
Compare and contrast: going to a movie to watching a movie at home 3 alike/ 3 different
Compare:a device is used to play the movie, all the scenes are the same, you can sit comfortably, you watch it on a screen, you can hear sound from the movie, eat snacks. Contrast: Movies:better quality sound, larger screen, more people at the movies, travel to movie, parking, At Home: rewind/pause/fast forward, control climate, less cost,
Tomorrow is Jill's birthday. She is excited because she gets to pick where she will eat dinner. Will it be Mexican food at the Big Enchilada House? Or will it be fried chicken at the Chicken Shack, or a big cheeseburger at Al's Hamburger Palace. She just couldn't decide. Then there was always the Pizza Shop with that great pepperoni pizza. How would she ever decide? Maybe she would just flip a coin.
Jill gets to decide where she will eat for her birthday with so many options she can't decide.
Your voice is clearly audible even from this distance. audible?
able to be heard
Furthermore, the recycling program will create jobs. People are also needed to maintain the recycling facility and to repair machinery. Finally, the program could transform our city. You know how you feel when you clean out a messy room? Well, that is how we all will feel when the recycling program takes effect. It will be like cleaning out the city to make it more attractive. It could be life-changing! 1. True/False. Readers can infer that the writer feels strongly about the topic of a citywide recycling program. 2. What are 2–3 words or phrases that helped you answer question 1, above?
True life changing/transforming
The Louisiana Purchase proved to be one of the shrewdest business pacts in the entire history of the United States. The purchase doubled in the area of the country and provided territory from which fourteen new states were created either wholly or in part. It also gave us control over the mouth of the Mississippi River and opened up the way to foreign trade. Prior to the purchase, the waterway had been blocked by the Spanish, probably with the approval of Napoleon. The land that was bought was rich in timber, minerals, and natural resources of many kinds. Finally, the cost of the transaction was unbelievably low; the total of $15 million amounted to about four cents an acre. What is the main idea and 1 supporting detail?
Main Idea: The Louisiana Purchase proved to be one of the shrewdest business pacts in the entire history of the U.S. Supporting Detail: doubled the area..., control over the mouth of the Mississippi River..., opened up foreign trade..., low cost for the transaction..., ---a lot for a little money.
Compare and contrast: spending time with your friend to spending time with your dog 3 alike/ 3 different
Compare: both are friends/companions, enjoy doing both, you get to choose your dog/friend, plays with them, mammals, show emotions, Contrast: friends communicate with words- dogs communicate differently-bark, dog has 4 legs- friends/humans has 2 legs, clean up behind the dog- friends use the restroom,
For the walls, Jenny thought she would use a bright yellow paint. She would pick a border that had mostly bright red and green colors, and maybe a little bit of blue. She already had found some curtains that were sky blue with streaks of red, blue and yellow that she thought would go great with the walls. And finally, she had picked a carpet that was mostly blue with specks of red and yellow. Jenny couldn't wait till she was done decorating her room. It was really going to look awesome.
Jenny will decorate her room by painting the wall, selecting new curtains and flooring.
I will hold you blameless if you will only tell me the truth. blameless?
without blame
Read the following conversations and answers the questions. A: Look at the long line! Do you think we’ll get in? B: I think so. Some of these people already have tickets. A: How much are the tickets? B: Only nine dollars for the first show. I’ll pay. A: Thanks. I’ll buy the popcorn. 1. Where are these people? 2. What are they talking about? 3. Who are these people?
Movies in line, the line is long, friends
There is a common belief that while the dog is man’s best friend, the coyote is his worst enemy. The bad reputation of the coyote traces back to his fondness for small animals; he hunts at night and is particularly destructive to sheep, young pigs, and poultry. Yet it is sometimes wise to encourage coyotes. Provided valuable farm animals are protected, the coyote will often free the property of other animals, like rabbits, which are ruinous to crops and certain trees. He is especially beneficial in keeping down the rodent population. Where coyotes have been allowed to do their work without molestation, ranchers and fruit growers have found them so valuable that they would no more shoot them than they would shoot their dogs.
Main Idea: Although it is a common belief/reputation of coyotes being man's worst enemy- they can be valuable. Supporting: protect farm animals, free property of animals that can ruin crops, keep down rodent population,
Compare and contrast: being grounded to being in jail 3 alike/3 different
Compare: restrictions, a punishment, broke some type of rule/law, has a term/time frame to serve. Contrast: grounded by parents/guardians sent to jail by the judge, jail is more serious than being grounded, going to jail stays on your record-being grounded is forgiven after served, grounded when a kid-jail when you are an adult.
Right now Jason was playing right field. He really wanted to play third base. Earlier this year, coach had put him in left field and second base in a game, but never at third base. Once in practice, coach let him play third base, but he kept missing ground balls. When he did stop one, he made a bad throw to first base. Maybe if he kept practicing, Jason would be good enough to play third base. That was his dream.
Jason has a dream play third base. However, he is not that good in the position. He needs to practice more to become better.
Your remarks are candid and frank. candid?
A: This is one of the reasons I hate working in a big city. B: I know. Every day, it’s the same thing. A: This is terrible! We may be here all night! I hope we don’t run out of gas. B: No, I think there’s enough. A: Let’s turn on the radio. Maybe there’s some good music. B: Sorry, the radio’s not working. A: I think I’ll take the train tomorrow! 1. Where are these people? 2. What are they talking about? 3. What do you think will happen next?
stuck in traffic, how bad the traffic is, they will be in traffic waiting-get home late-take the train tomorrow.
In earlier days those who had overseas business which they believed should be discussed personally, took ship and set out across the briny deep. Once aboard they transacted their affairs, engaging in commercial and social matters or conducting government business. Today ships and passengers continue to sail the seven seas, and airplanes soar overhead. But above them all, words speed through the sky – telephone conversations quickly bring together in the most personal fashion people who are separated by thousands of miles.
Main Idea: Conducting overseas business has changed over time- faster than before. Supporting Detail: before- sail ship, flying... now telephone/email.
Compare and contrast: washing dishes to washing laundry 3 alike/3 different
Compare: purpose to clean, use some form of cleaning detergent, uses water, household chores, both can be done with machines, items have to be dried afterwards, items have to be put away in some way. Contrast: clean dishes/clean clothes, one is breakable - other can't be broken, clothes and be dried outside- dishes you wouldn't, you fold/hang up clothes- you do not fold/hang up dishes, laundry basket- dish rack, wear the clothes- eat off the dishes,
San Francisco is located on the coast of California in an area often called the Bay Area. The weather is generally very mild, seldom getting really cold or really hot. Its mild climate is one reason many people live there. It seldom snows in San Francisco and generally does not get below freezing during the winter. Even in the middle of summer, temperatures may be in the mid 80's with a cool breeze from the bay keeping the weather very comfortable.
San Francisco has very comfortable weather. It rarely gets cold or hot and it does not snow.
What is the capital of your state? capital?
the designated location of state government offices
A: When did this happen? B: Yesterday. I was playing soccer and I fell down. A: Can you move it at all? B: Only a little. A: Can you walk on it? B: No. It hurts too much. A: I think we’ll have to take an X-ray. B: Will I be able to play in the game tomorrow? A: I’m afraid not. 1. Where are these people? 2. Who are they? 3. What are the people talking about?
at the doctor's office/emergency room doctor/patient patient hurt while playing soccer-may have broken bone