Modern Voting Rights
Black Voting Figures
Historical Voting Rights
Voting Struggles
Black Women Voting Rights

This civil rights organization was formed in 1909 to fight for the rights of African Americans, including voting rights.

What is the NAACP?


This civil rights leader led the Selma to Montgomery marches to fight for voting rights.

Who is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?


This amendment to the U.S. Constitution, passed in 1870, gave African American men the right to vote.

What is the 15th Amendment?


This term refers to unfair taxes that were historically charged to African Americans to prevent them from voting.

What is a poll tax?


This black woman co-founded the National Association of Colored Women and fought for suffrage.

Who is Ida B. Wells?


The first African American president of the United States was elected in this year.

What is 2008?


She refused to give up her bus seat in 1955, sparking the Civil Rights Movement, including voting rights protests.

Who is Rosa Parks?


The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed by this president, helping to eliminate discriminatory voting practices.

Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?


Name one method used to prevent African Americans from voting before the Voting Rights Act.

What is literacy tests (or intimidation, or grandfather clauses)?


This educator and political activist fought for African American women’s voting rights and co-founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

Who is Fannie Lou Hamer?


This Georgia politician made history with her fight for voting rights and narrowly lost a historic race for governor in 2018.

Who is Stacey Abrams?


This woman was one of the first black women to run for U.S. President in 1972 and was a strong advocate for voting rights.

Who is Shirley Chisholm?


In this year, the first black man, Hiram Revels, was elected to the U.S. Senate.

What is 1870?


This Supreme Court case in 2013 weakened the Voting Rights Act by removing the requirement for certain states to get federal approval before changing voting laws.

What is Shelby County v. Holder?


She was the first African American woman to serve in Congress and was a strong supporter of civil rights and voting rights.

Who is Shirley Chisholm?


This organization, founded in 1990, is dedicated to advancing the voting rights and civic engagement of African Americans.

What is the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation?


This civil rights lawyer argued the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education and later became the first black Supreme Court Justice.

Who is Thurgood Marshall?


This 1964 Amendment prohibited poll taxes in federal elections, removing a major barrier for black voters.

What is the 24th Amendment?


This was the name of the racist laws passed in Southern states to enforce segregation and suppress black voters after the Civil War.

What are Jim Crow laws?


This African American suffragist and civil rights leader helped organize the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls in 1848.

Who is Sojourner Truth?


He became the youngest member of Congress at 25 years old in 1986 and fought against voter suppression until his death in 2020.

Who is John Lewis?


He was a prominent leader in the fight for African American voting rights and became the first African American elected to the Georgia Senate since Reconstruction.

Who is Julian Bond?


The “Mississippi Freedom Summer” of 1964 was a campaign to register African American voters, led by civil rights groups like this one.

What is the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)


This act, passed in 1982, extended and strengthened the Voting Rights Act, especially protecting the rights of minorities to register and vote.

What is the Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1982?


She was the first African American woman to argue a case before the Supreme Court and served as an advisor to several U.S. Presidents on civil rights and voting rights.

Who is Constance Baker Motley?