Real name of Spiderman (charachter)
Peter Parker
Wich country Win the world cup of 2018
President of China
Xi Jimping
Wich is the biggest state in Mexico by land
Who is this actor?
Clint Eastwood
Acording to Forrest Fump, the life is with a
A chocolate box
(you never know what will happen to you)
100 °C to farenheit
212 F
Biggest state by land in USA
What is the type of engine in a gasoline car?
Internal combustion engine
How many bits do current processors have?
64 bits
Name of the first video on YouTube
Me at the zoo(apr 23 2005)
After than Jesus, how is the 2 most famous person on world history
President of Ukraine
Volodimir Zelensky
In what year Zuckerberg creates facebook?
Feb 4 2004.
teacher of Alexander the Great
What year did the titanic sink?
April 15 1912
In what year the ancient Egypt is founded?
3,050 B.C.
The voltage is equal to
Resistance x Intensity
Pope (Aug 26 1978 - Sep 28 1978)
John Paul I
King(heir Prince) of Saudi Arabia
Mohhamad Bin Salman (The richest man in earth)
Who defeats the persian empire in the 470 BC
Leonidas I (the spartans)
Who was the greek that is consideraded the father of modern medicine?
Name of the movie of this clip
The Gold Rush (1925)