Accommodations for different disabilities
Assistive Technology
In the workplace
What other relevant information would you feel is important to address to help your client obtain and sustain employment?
lightning round!!!!

Accommodations needed for individuals with Down Syndrome.

Individuals with down syndrome might need different accommodations including shorter working hours and people willing to assist them with different tasks when needed.


What are some examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people with mobility issues?

Examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people with mobility issues include wheelchairs, scooters, elevators, escalators, and wheel chair ramps. These are all important for people who work in the different facilities


When you need to communicate with a coworker, what are the different ways you can do that?

Email, phone, text (teams), verbal


Why would making sure the client has access to technology be important?

It is important to make sure that your client has access to technology because much of the world revolves around technology to not only find a job, but do some of the essential job duties from home.


Where can you find the information for this game?

The Job Accommodation Network. 


Accommodations needed for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Individuals who are on the autism spectrum disorder might need different accommodations including shorter working hours and assistance with different tasks when necessary. Autism is a spectrum and the different accommodations needed would need to be customized according to the specific person. Some people who have more severe autism would be able to do task such as clearing up a meeting by stacking chairs where as some people with autism would be able to work in a store. it is a broad diagnosis and each individual would need customized accommodations.


What are some examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people with hearing deficits?

Examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people with hearing deficits include hearing aids, closed captioning on all work-related memos and information, as well as microphones used by all people in group meets if the individual has some hearing capabilities. Another good thing could be for people to send any information over email or written memos as opposed to audio communication.


When you encounter a problem at work, who do you talk to first?

Direct supervisor


Why would asking your client about past work experience be important?

It is important to ask your client about past work experience to understand and get a feel for what their interests are.


Name a movie that Andy has worked in

Hooked, James and the giant peach, Nightmare before Christmas, Star Trek VI Undiscovered Country, An American Tail, Alvin and the Chipmunks Rocking through the decades.


Accommodations needed for individuals who have severe hearing deficits.

Accommodations needed for individuals who have severe hearing deficits could include closed captioning and real-time captioning, American Sign Language interpreter, texting instead of phone calls, visual emergency notifications.


What are some examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people who have troubles with small motor movements?

Examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people with troubles with small motor movements include adaptive switches, larger buttons, automatic page turners, book holders, and adaptive pencil and pen grips.


What are the step to getting a job?

Create Resume




Why would asking your client about their means of transportation be important?

It is important to ask your client about their means of transportation because it would help you as voc rehab professional narrow down what job locations would be appropriate.


Who is Brooke's favorite singer?

Taylor Swift


Accommodations needed for individuals who have severe visual impairments.

Accommodations needed for individuals who have severe visual impairments include assistive technology, accessible websites, guide dogs, options to work at home, materials presented with technology for people with severe visual impairments or through braille.


What are some examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people who have troubles sitting in a desk chair for long periods of time?

Examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people with troubles sitting in a desk chair for long periods of time would be sit stand desks. These desks are adjustable and moveable so the people working at them can work at all different heights so they aren’t sitting all day long.


When do you discuss pay rate, when applying for a job?

After you have been offered the position.


Why would asking your client about their immediate goals be important?

It is important to ask your client about their immediate goals because you would be able to get a better understand of what this person will be looking for in their employment.


Who is the admin assistant at Brainstorm Studios?



Accommodations needed for individuals who have suffered from a TBI.

Accommodations needed for individuals who have suffered from a TBI include clear and specific expectations given and frequent breaks.


What are some examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people who have visual impairments?

Examples of assistive technology in the workplace for people who have visual impairments could include assistive technology such as computer programs that can read the screen, audio messages, and loud audio notifications.


Who is Malia, Brooke, Claudia, Molly, Kevin, Vanessa, Andy's boss?

Sylvia Owens


Why would asking your client about their education experience be important?

It is important to ask your client about their education experience because many jobs have a base line of education that they want their employees to have.


Kevin, Molly, Vanessa, Brooke, Malia and Claudia went to what school?

California State University Long Beach 

Go Beach!!!