Personal Information
Rules for Applications
Just the Facts
What does "MI" stand for? (hint: NOT the state that is north of us)
Acceptable answer(s): Middle Initial
What is something you should ALWAYS do when writing your name and address?
Acceptable answer(s): -Capitalize the first letter of each proper noun -Write clearly and legibly
All proper nouns (names, cities, states, etc) must be...
Acceptable answer(s): capitalized!
Give three ways you can find the street address of your elementary or high school.
Acceptable answer(s): -ask a friend -ask a family member -Google it -Look at a map website -Look in the phone book -Call the school
What does "N/A" stand for?
Acceptable answer(s): -Not Applicable
What does "SS#" stand for?
Acceptable answer(s): Social Security Number

Quick! Someone spell out loud the CITY that you live in!

Acceptable answer(s): Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, etc.

Should you return to an online application and proofread it? Or is that only done for paper applications?
Acceptable answer(s): You should always proofread your applications, both the online and paper applications.

This document summarizes your education, work experience, and skills.

A resume.

If you are still in high school, how many hours per week are you likely able to work? 20 or 40?
Acceptable answer(s): 20
What does "DOB" stand for?
Acceptable answer(s): Date Of Birth

Quick! Someone spell out loud the STATE that you live in!

Acceptable answer(s): C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A

What type of writing utensil should you complete a paper application in?
Acceptable answer(s): Pen

The person you contact to apply for a job is often called this.

A hiring manager.
What is your course of study in high school?
Acceptable answer(s): -general studies -Diploma
Put your heads together and give us the abbreviations for: 1) street, 2) avenue, 3) drive, 4) court
Acceptable answer(s): 1) St. 2) Ave. 3) Dr. 4) Ct.
Why is it important to make sure you write your email address and phone number clearly?
Acceptable answer(s): So that the employer can read it and will be able to contact you!

What do you think could happen if you do NOT include the most recent place you worked and the manager finds out?

Acceptable answer(s): -The manager will NOT consider you for an interview or a job because he or she will think you are dishonest


This part of the job application asks why you want the job and what you can bring to it. 

It may be attatched in addition to a print out job appication.

A cover letter

Name three types of people who would be appropriate to list as a reference:
Acceptable answer(s): 1. Teachers who know you well 2. Mentors 3. Previous employers
What is the difference between "MI" and "Middle Name"?
Acceptable answer(s): Middle Initial- The first letter in your middle name Middle Name- Your full middle name
Name the 5 components that are part of your home address
Acceptable answer(s): 1. Number 2. Street name 3. City 4. State 5. Zip code
What will most likely happen if an employer discovers that you are lying on an application?
Acceptable answer(s): -You will not be considered for the job interview -If you were already hired, you may be fired if they found out you lied on your application

An application for Kraft asks if you have any extra certifications or training. Would you leave that question blank if you do not have any extra certifications or training?

Acceptable answer(s): -Do NOT leave it blank, write "none" or "N/A"

Name at least four components to your resume:
Acceptable answer(s): 1.Your name and contact information 2. Education 3. Skills 4. Previous work experience 5. References