Job Search
Odds & Ends
Job Club

If I don't show up on time, I'm considered being ??

What is being late or unreliable


What is a typical "easy" place to hand in an application and get a job

What is fast food restaurants 

With the rise of hourly pay this has affected the number of hours you may receive when you are hired


A reason why you may not be hired?

incomplete application, Spelling errors, not qualified, not submitting all requirements with application


When is your Job Log handed in

Depending on each class either Wednesday (EJSP), Thursday (SN) or Friday (FA)


How long should your resume be?

1 page preferred but can be 2 pages


If my hands are sweaty and I'm shaking before the interview

What is being nervous


What time of day is the worst time to walk in and apply for a job at a restaurant

lunch or dinner rush


I don't really feel like going to work today, What should you do?

Still go to work and remind yourself you don't get paid unless you work and you need to work to pay the bills and take care of your family.

calling in sick/calling out to the employer


What is a requirement for Job Club?

attend every class, call if you can't attend with a details, hand in Job Logs every week, follow up on any job leads, participate


How many references should you have ready to attach to a resume?

3 professional


I should always ask for one before I leave the interview

What is a business card


What I should use to fill out an application

Blue or Black Ink Pen


I have an interview tomorrow at 3pm and realize I only have blue jeans and hoody.  What else could I do??

Ask in class for a clothing voucher for an Interview outfit, such as, khaki or dress pants, dress shirts with dress shoes


What is a JC600??

Document needed from caseworker for their employer to fill in to be exempt or prove they have obtained a job.


What is it called when you write about your past activities?

work experience/history or transferable skills?


I should know at least 3 of these when asked "tell me about yourself"

What are skills


5 factors to consider when looking for a job?

transportation, childcare, hours, shift, pay, license, education requirement, location


If I smoke cigarettes I should always do this before returning to work

What is wash your hands


How long are you in Job Club??

FA groups and SN Groups   4 weeks

EJSP groups additional 7 weeks


Which part of your resume tells about your schooling?

Education section


What should you always do when greeting your interviewer??

shaking their hand, smile and make eye contact


What is following up with the employer?

It's what you do once you've submitted an application and need to check if they have received your application


If you start a job and then realize you don't like the position what could you do?

Continue to work while looking for another job and then once you have another position give a 2 weeks notice


Name 1 thing you have learned in this class

Resume, Interviewing, applications or budget

Answers may vary


What is used instead of a resume and must be filled out completely?

a job application