Career Exploration
Who Earns More?
Name A Job!
Career Vocab
Who am I?

How can you find out more about a specific career?

Google, ask family or friends, Virtual Job Shadow, ask a teacher or career/college advisor, part-time job or volunteer, etc

Who earns more? 

Teacher or Doctor?



Name a Job in This Career Cluster: Childcare

Teacher - Day Care Worker- Nanny- 

Camp Counselor- Pediatrician  etc


What is a promotion?

A rise in rank or job position


I need a two year degree.  I work with all age groups and wear a medical mask and gloves most of the day.  I must have knowledge of teeth and gums. 

Dental Hygienist 


What is the document called that highlights your skills, job experience, and education?

Resume and/or cover letter


Who earns more? Cashier or Plumber



Name a job in this career cluster: Healthcare

- Doctor- Nurse- CNA- Veterinarian- 

Nurse Practitioner- Therapist- 

Medical Insurance Agent- etc


The process of hiring another person or organization to perform a service that is or could be done internally.

What is outsourcing?


I work on equipment and in homes, factories, businesses, and buildings, both existing and under construction, to install, repair, and maintain power, lighting, wiring, communications, and control systems.



How can you find a job that is a "good fit" for you?

Match a job to your strengths, preferences, interests, and needs.


Who earns more on average? Firefighter or Welder?


They make $52,000 on average and Welders on average make $44,000


Name a job in this career cluster: Retail

Cashier- Stocker- Store Manager- Bagger

Customer Service Representative etc


A professional who is self-employed and works independently for one or multiple companies or clients. They generally set their own payment rates and work schedules.

Who is a freelancer?


Will use computers or hand tools to create posters, websites, logos, brochures, magazines and many other materials to communicate ideas and information visually.

Graphic Designer 


Why are taking career interest surveys beneficial?

They can help you figure out what kinds of careers would be best suited for you and your interests. Having a job you are interested in will keep you employed. 


Who earns more on average? Car Mechanic or Electrician?


Electrician- average salary: $56,000

Mechanic- average salary: $44,000


Name a job in this career cluster: Finance

Accountant- Banker- Teller- Tax Preparer

Credit Analyst- Claims Adjuster etc


What is a Human Resources Department and what do they do?

Human resources (HR) is a company department which is responsible for managing company culture, performance, training and onboarding, compensation and benefits. HR tends to also be responsible for hiring, firing, job interviews, and exit interviews.


Studies ocean life in natural or controlled environments and collects data and specimens. Studies characteristics of species and monitors and manages populations. Then will report findings

Marine Biologist


What is one of the most common first jobs people have before moving on to other careers?

babysitter, cashier, lab assistant, teacher, camp counselor, retail worker, dishwasher, receptionist, waiter, host, intern, store clerk, lifeguard, fastfood etc


Who earns more on average? Veterinarian or Lawyer?


Lawyers make on average $130,000 and Veterinarians on average make $90,000


Name a job in this career cluster: Public Safety 

Firefighter- Police officer- Crossing Guard

EMT- 911 Operator- Security Guard etc


What is the definition of benefits? Please name 2

Benefits refer to additional help an employer offers outside of financial compensation. Benefits usually include things like health insurance, tuition assistance, stock options, gym membership reimbursement and paid time off (PTO).


I use technology to monitor and communicate potential hazards and other helpful information to pilots in an effort to minimize delays and ensure the safety of travelers. I monitor and report changes in wind and weather, provide takeoff and landing instructions, and help regulate activity on the ground and in their designated airspace.

Air Traffic Controller