Personal Life
Questions about the job
Previous Experience

Introduce yourself 

Hi my name is ________. 


How do you plan to get to work? 

I have a car...

I will take the bus...


What is a previous job experience you have had? 

Ex: I worked as a cashier in a retail store for two years. 


What are three skills you have? 

Ex: I can code in a few computer coding languages, I am analytical, and I am able to use office (Word, powerpoint, etc.) 


Are you extroverted or introverted? 

Ex: I am very social and extroverted. 


Where are you from 

Answers will vary - 

Ex: I am from Portugal originally but now I live in Andorra.


What are your salary expectations?

I would like to be paid...

I hope to earn...

I want to make...

between $35-40,000 per year...$15/hour etc. 


What are three skills you learned from a previous job or in school? 

Ex: I learned to be organized, patient, and determined. OR I learned to be independent, efficient, and flexible. 


What is your greatest strength? 

Ex: My greatest strength is my ability to work well in a team. 


Do you work better alone or as a team? 

I work better as a team because I like to hear the ideas of others. 


Name two hobbies

Answers will vary - 

Ex: In my free time I like to play basketball and cook with friends.


Why do you want this job? (choose job to describe) 

I want to be a programmer because...

I want to work as a policeman because...


Describe a time when you worked well in a team. 

Ex: I worked with a group of 5 other students for the Tandem Project. We had to help each other and think of ideas to present to a company across one semester...etc. 


What is your greatest weakness and WHY? 

Ex: My greatest weakness is time management because I get too focused on a single project and run out of time to complete other ones. 

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? 

Ex: I would be a dog because they are loyal. 


Who is someone who inspires you and why? 

I am inspired by....because...


If you find yourself in a conflict with a coworker, how would you resolve the issue? 

Ex: I remain calm and speak with my coworker. If we cannot solve the issue ourselves, I will speak to my supervisor or with someone in the Human Resources department. 


Why are you leaving your previous job? 

Ex: I don't think my last job challenged me enough.

Do you deal well with criticism? 

Ex: Yes, I use criticism to improve and grow as an employee. 


What motivates you? 

Ex: I am motivated by my interest in using technology to make the world even more interconnected. 


Where do you see yourself in five years? 

I see myself as...

I see myself working for... 

I see myself doing...


What are questions you have about this job? (Ask two) 

What are my responsibilities in this role? 

What are the opportunities for ongoing professional development? 

How quickly can I be promoted? 

How much time off will I have each year? 

What is the salary? 

What responsibilities did you have at your last job? (describe at least two) 

Ex: At my last job I was in charge of scheduling department meetings and drafting annual reports. 

Imagine you have told an interviewer that you are good at multitasking. Describe a situation when you multitasked. 

Ex: I had to multitask when I had five work assignments due on the same day and had to travel for my job the following day. I also had three important meetings that week. I had to manage my time and be prepared for everything. 


In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good leader? (name at least three) 

Ex: The top three qualities I need to see in a good leader are confidence, good communication skills, and commitment.