Before the Interview
During the Interview
After the Interview
Professionally You

This clothing item should NOT be warn to an interview?

 t-shirt or clothing with offensive writing

Your voicemail should not include
inappropriate language or music

Being prepared for this can make or break an interview?

Curve ball questions!

An action which makes an interview candidate “stand out” from other candidates that takes place AFTER the interview.
writing a thank-you letter
If you don't know the answer to an interview question, the proper response is...
I'm not sure, but I can find out and get back to you.

These two footwear items are inappropriate for an interview but feel free to wear afterwards.

 flip flops or high heels 

A person should do this to help practice answering questions, have the opportunity to develop questions, and increase confidence.
Research the company.

These 3 things can instantly ruin an interview. 

Chewing gum or candy, talking or texting on your phone or a cellphone ringing. 

When should a thank you letter be sent?
The day of the interview

Doing this with your hands or feet will distract the interviewer and will take the focus off of you. (Which is NOT what you want to do!)

Fidgeting your hands or tapping your feet 


Wearing this clothing items on your legs may make an interviewer second guess your professionalism?  


How early should you arrive to an interview?
10-15 minutes

What are at least 2 things you shouldn't do in the waiting room?

Ignore the receptionist, eat, use a phone to watch videos or listen to music and apply make-up. 


Name 2 items you should include in a thank you letter.

thank the interviewer, acknowledge confidence about personal skills, any further inquiries, re-state your interest in the position


How long does it take a potential employer to develop a perception of the applicant?

less than 90 seconds

The length of a woman's dress skirt should be this.
No more than 2 inches above the knee.

The most important thing to do before an interview is...

practice possible interview questions

When does the interview begin?
As soon as you walk in the company door.

Saying this at the end of an interview is very important. 

THANK YOU for your time in considering me. 

Give 3 examples of what to do to your hair for an interview.
keep it out of your face, do not play with it, do not dye it crazy colors, no crazy hairstyles

Not wearing this could make for a smelly interview.



What 4 things should you research before the day of the interview to show confidence about the job you are interviewing for? 

How long it takes to get there, how people dress, Where is headquarters and any latest news about company. 


Give an appropriate answer to the following interview question. "Tell me a little about yourself."

talking about your experience, education, skills/ talents or hobbies-but they must be relevant to the job!

What should you have prepared for the interviewer once he/she is finished with the interview?
questions regarding the company
Give 2 examples of how to display confidence during an interview.
greet your interviewer with a firm handshake and smile, maintain good eye contact, sit up straight, avoid rambling, think before answering questions