Job interview questions
Job interview questions
Job interview questions
interview topics
Interview topics
  • Why do you want to leave your current job?

Because I feel I can't use all my skills there.

  • Are you currently employed?

Yes. No, I just finished an year long internship program at SJRMC, where I learned valuable skills to become a better employee.

  • Why are you applying to this position?

Explain why you are applying to this position, and what getting the position would do for you and your life.


When should you arrive for an interview?

At least 15 minutes before your scheduled interview


What should you do after the interview?

Thank the interviewer for the time. Call the business back in the next few days and follow through. Ask if your interview went well and what the next steps are for you to take.


Why are you applying for this position?

Explain why you are applying to this position, and what getting the position would do for you and your life.

  • What are your weaknesses?

Should be able to respond for 30 seconds to a minute. Your weakness should include something you are actively working on improving.

  • How do you stay organized?

You should be able to respond for 30 seconds to a minute, going into detail about how you organize your work and personal life.


How should you greet the interviewer?

With a smile, handshake, and introduction of yourself (hello, my name is...)


How can you look for jobs?

Website(indeed, monster), in person signs, networking with friends and family to see if they know of any job openings.

  • Why should we hire you?

Explain how you would benefit the company if hired. (what makes you stand out against all the other people applying for the job)

  • Tell me about a personal accomplishment that you’re proud of.

Your response should be at least 30 seconds long to a minute. Give a specific example of a personal accomplishment you are proud of.

  • How would your boss and coworkers describe you?

You should be able to respond for 30 seconds to a minute.


When does the interview begin?

As soon as you enter the building.


What are the 3 contacts you give to an employer with their names and contact info?


  • What makes you good at your current job?

Should be able to give a response of at least 30 seconds, and explain how you are different and better than the other people applying for the same position.

  • What are some problems you have faced and solved while at work?

At least a 30 second to minute response. Give a specific example or two of a problem you have solved at work.

  • Describe where you see yourself in 5 years.

You should be able to answer for at least 30 seconds to a minute. Giving examples of where you see your life in the next 5 years. This is a perfect opportunity for you to show your goals and aspirations.


What are 3 questions you can ask the person who interviewed you?

1. Any question you had during the interview or about the job

2. Ask the person who interviewed you how long they have worked with the company.

3. Ask the person who interviewed you if they enjoy their job and the company.


How should you dress for your interview?



Tell me about yourself

You answer should be at least 30 seconds long, up to a minute.

  • What are your strengths?

Should be able to respond for at least 30 second to a minute.

  • Is there anything you can tell me about yourself that isn’t on your resume?

This is an opportunity to share something personal about yourself that relates to work in the sense that it shows you're a hard, dedicated worker.


What do you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question?

Ask them to repeat it, or communicate that you don't know, or don't know how to answer the question.


What is a website that shows your professional accomplishments and highlights your skills and abilities?
