A conversation where you and an employer exchange information.
What is an interview?
The number one skill an employer looks for in an applicant.
What is Communications?
Study the job description, note required skills, qualities and experience.
What is preparing for the interview?
A candidate who demonstrates that they can get along with others.
What is a Teamplayer?
Talking to the Receptionist or Secretary prior to the interview.
What is a YES!
Forty-two percent of the world's population.
What is social media users?
Copies of your resume, a notebook and pen.
What you bring to an interview?
To be able to show that you know yourself, to show your skills
Why it is important to know your strengths
Research shows that __ in __ employers reject applicants based on their Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/etc. posts.
What is 1 in 3
Two type of interview questions.
What is Situational and Behavioral?
delegating, team working, speaking, writing, analyzing, prioritizing
What are personal weaknesses
-Inappropriate comments -Drinking or using drugs in their picture -Poor communication skills -Bad-mouthing people -Discriminatory comments related to race, gender, or religion -Oversharing information
What an employers look for on a Social Media site?
What is STAR
What is Situation, Task, Action, Result?
A person who is ‘talkative’ may be a very good ‘negotiator’. A person who is not very ‘sociable’ is very ‘conscientious’ and does not like to be distracted at work. In fact, when describing a real weakness and showing how you are working hard to improve it, or better yet demonstrating how it can actually work to your benefit – you are likely to impress the interviewer.
What is how to make your weakness a strength.
-Makes you more visible to recruiters, even when you are not searching for a job.
What are reasons why social media can be a good for job searching?