Job Search
The Interview
Work Ethic Character
Newspaper, business websites, networking, and job boards
What are ways to job search?
How many days can I have off? How much do I get paid? How long is this interview?
What are questions NOT to ask in an interview?
A person's individual traits, motivational drives, needs and attitudes is called this.
What is personality?
Many employers use _________ as a way of standardizing the information they obtain from all job-seekers.
What are applications?
Focuses on developing advanced communication skills and utilizing them in digital television and radio production
What is Digital Media Exploration?
Careerbuilder, Craigslist, Snagajob, Monster, LinkedIN
Name three job search sites?
Arrive early, shake hands, smile, dress appropriately,
What are ways to behave for an interview?
Dress, act and speak the way you want others to view you is known as someones this.
What is perception?
True/False Applications should be filled out quickly and handed back as soon as possible.
What is FALSE?!?!?!?!?!
Inspiring & Motivating Parents And Children Together
What is Impact?
Using friends, family, and everyone you know to help you job search.
What is networking?
Google the website, read the mission statement, research the business history
What is researching the business or employer in order to prepare for an interview?
It is important that students learn to function in a _________ environment so that they will have _________ skills when they enter the workforce.
What are team and teamwork?
They are individuals, things and ideas that people hold most important. These are developed throughout your life and are influenced by various means, such as family and friends.
What are values?
The skills and knowledge students need to thrive as they move into higher education or a rapidly changing work world.
What is Career Readiness?
Resume, Application and References
What are three things you need to job search?
What is the most important thing you are looking for in this position? What is your favorite thing about this company? When will you make a hiring decision?
What are some questions to ask at the end of an interview?
When returning phone messages you should do the following:
What is be brief and to the point, sentences should be clear and direct, greet the person that answers the phone and formally ask for who you want, give the name and the reason for your call, if leaving a message provide a telephone number of contact and good time to call.
_____ _____ _____are essential because they are expected. Hiring managers have been known to reject a job candidate who neglected to send _____ ____ ____ after their interviews.
What is thank you letters
Teen males and females participate in separate mentoring clubs and are involved in personal development, life skills training, planning a successful future, community service projects, relationship building, and social etiquette in order to better prepare them to become productive men and women in the 21st Century.
What is I Am Beautiful Club & Men Stand Out! Club
State ID, social security card, school ID, birth certificate or school record.
What are official documents needed in order to be hired?
Why are you the best person for the job?
What the question 'tell me about yourself' is really asking?
These are 5 of the 7 behaviors commonly found in the workplace.
What is attitude, responsibility, timeliness, neatness, lateness, self control, ambition, call-offs, appearance.
These are 5 tips for completing a job application
What is read and follow directions, complete application as neatly as possible, tailor answers to the job, do not leave blanks, do not provide negative information, always answer truthfully, do not put specific salary requirements, and provide up-to-date references
Develops basic communication skills, life skills, self-worth and self-esteem. Use communication models to train in verbal and written communication while using Microsoft programs and the Internet.
What is Effective Communications?