Modern Resume
Money Literacy
Job Search
Job Fair
Conflict Resolution

It is the area on the Modern Resume where you briefly explain who you are and what your accomplishments are in your career.

What is the Profile?


The recommended amount of Credit Cards a person should own.

What is 1?


The success rate of Direct Contact with Employers as a Job Search Strategy.

What is 47-50%?


The type of shoes that should be worn to a Job Fair.

What are comfortable flats?


Listen, Ask Questions, Solve the Problem, Thank

What is L.A.S.T.?


3 of these is the recommended minimum to ensure your work history and good things will be said about you.

What are Professional References?


A retirement account offered through an employer that allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars into a personalized account and is usually accompanied by a company "match."

What is 401(k)?


A letter or email sent to after a job interview has taken place.

What is a thank you letter?


The minimum amount of resume's your should bring to a Job Fair.

What is 5?


Listening to a problem and asking clarification questions.

What is validating a person's concerns?


This is the time a person will spend reading your resume for the first time.

What is 6 to 30 seconds?


This was one of the first units of currency ever used by humans to buy and sell goods.

What is the Cowry Shell?


The idea of developing relationships with people for Job Searching, References, Advice, and Leads

What is Networking?


The attire required for Job Fairs.

What is business casual?


A person's life experiences, education, teachings, religious beliefs, etc.

What is baggage or bag?


This is the area where you indicate four areas that motivate you to excel in your work.

What are Interests?


The percentage of income that should be delegated to Housing.

What is 25%?


The trait defined by accepting criticism and direction that most employers look for when comparing candidates of similar background and experience.

What is being coachable?


The name of the brief introduction when meeting potential employers at a Job Fair.

What is Elevator Speech or Elevator Pitch?


The emotional and mental barrier information must pass through before being processed by the receiver.

What is a personal filter?


This software or robot will scan your resume to pre-screen it for key words and statements before sending it on to a prospective employer when applying for careers via the internet.

What is ATS software. (Applicant Tracking System)


The 5 cities in the United States where Federal Mints are located.

What is Denver, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Ft. Knox, and West Point?


The success rate of searching for employment via the internet.

What is 7-10%?


A collection of employers in one place actively looking for potential candidates to fill multiple positions.

What is a Job Fair?


Interruptions, ambient sounds, mental lapses, and inattentiveness.

What is communication noise?